OK good, getting some action here.
YES - 6 NO - 0
The posting issue is that countless people on MC register and/or post once or twice and then they're gone. It doesn't make sense to me and some of the other members that you'd have a ton of photos of people who never post.
It's only 30 posts From Junior to Member, and it's 1000 to Senior Membership. Nobody would agree, I'm sure, that one should have to wait till Senior Membership. All your points are valid so let's just keep hashing it around till we arrive at something. I don't think 30 is enough but that's just my own view, I'm sure we'll arrive at a consensus as time goes by.
The only problem with just a website gallery is that many of us do not maintain personal and/or business websites. Both a websitesite and a separate photo gallery would be cool.
Thanks for voting and opining, and keep 'em coming.