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MC Dorms: 2009: Home for the Holidays.

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The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Welcome to the new Muppet College Dorms.

Game Information.

A. Application.

In order to join the dorms, you need to fill out the following form and submit it to me via the forum's mailer or PM or through my regular online address
if you happen to have that as well. All previous residents shall be contacted first as we attempt to settle everybody back into the main dormhouse.

Application Form:
1 First Name.
2 User Name.
3 Muppet Roommate(s).
4 Room Number.
5 Birthdays.
6 Valid working email address so we can contact you in the event of dormwide news.

Please wait until your applications have been resolved before posting in the thread itself. Each applicant shall be attended to individually. Posts made
by people not as yet approved to move in will be deleted without prejudice against that person.

B. Roommates.

Regarding Muppets one can choose to have as roommates at the dorms, keep in mind the following guidelines.

1 An applicant can select up to a total of five (5) Muppet characters as roommates if they so desire. You don't have to have five if you don't want five,
I leave that to each individual applicant to decide.
2 Characters from all Henson productions are available to be chosen as roommates with a few exceptions.
a. Baby Muppets... What would they be doing at a college/town environment anyway?
b. Human characters from the shows or movies, it'd be weird to find them being "manipulated" by other people.
3 Fanfic created Muppet characters are allowed, so long as you have at least one (1) actual Muppet character for each fanfic character of your own creation.
4 If selecting more than one roommate, please try to choose those who go well together. If you take Little Jerry, then mayhaps it'd be a good idea to have
the rest of the Monotones. If you take one member of a duo like Statler or Red or Biff, then it'd make sense to take their accompanying partner as well.
5 The one overriding rule we have is that once a character has been selected by a resident, they cannot be chosen by anyone else for that term. Consult
the roster thread to see who's been taken so far, and thus help when choosing roommates.
Muppet College Dorms List
6 If you feel so inclined, you may change roommates. First make sure they haven't been taken by anyone else and then contact me about making said changes.
I would ask you think before requesting said changes, as the characters you have as roommates are the ones others will associate with you and I will not
abide another revolving room situation where people are asking me to change roommates every other week.

C. Rooms.

The rooms in the dorms are numbered from 1 through to 59. Please select one from what is available at the time of submitting your application. Please choose
from those remaining from Rooms #1-#29, as we wish to fill up the first two floors first, moving upwards to the other floors should demand for joining
the dorms prove necessary to go there. A floor-by-floor map of the dormhouse will be provided within the dorms' description.

D. Birthdays.

Please include your own birthday and a birthday for each Muppet member of your party. Search for Character Birthdays at the Muppet Wiki. If you can't find
one for your particular character, then:
1 Submit the airdate of when the character was first seen onscreen, or
2 Provide that particular character's Muppeteer's birthday.

E. Gameplay/Dorms Life.

Please take notice of the following guidelines.
1 For simplification, there will be three main dorm gameplay threads:
a. New Year of Memories: January-April,
b. Summer Vacation: May-August, and
c. Home for the Holidays: September-December.
These threads will be regenerated as we go through the years, invariably closed and replaced with a new one for each appropriate term. Also, if you submit
an application for residency and are accepted, please make an effort to participate therein, either in your own individual everyday routines with your
roommates or interacting with others. Though you don't have to be plugged in 24/7 nor have every other post be one of your own,the degree to which members
participate will influence application approvals when resubmitted at the opening of each new term/thread.
2 You can use the following thread to post a descript of what your individual rooms look like, according to your own tastes and those of your roommates.
Having this along with the layout of the dormhouse itself in a separate thread will make it easier to find everyone's place.
MC Dorms Descriptions
3 You can interact with other people's roommates, but please do not outright control them directly. The only time when this will be allowed is if either:
a. You are staging a Muppety musical number or play/movie with parts for everyone, or
b. You have been asked to temporarily look after another resident's roommates.
4 If you have an idea for a storyline involving yours and others' roommates that will span multiple posts/pages, please consult me about it first. I sincerely
hope this will help cut down on the apparent overdramatizations in recent times, and I would also say that you try to keep all Muppet characters in character.
There is some wiggle room for a bit of violence, it's been present in all Henson productions, but PLEASE do not let it get carried away.

The last thing I will say is ultimately, have fun, and hope you enjoy your stay here at our home on the MC forums.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Kelly (tossing and turning and groaning in bed)

Pearl (sits on the sofa with Cotterpin watching Clean House -- 'cause that's all that's on, listening to Kelly's room): Does that mean Spike is here now?

Cotterpin (shakes her head): Nope. I've been up since midnight and he hasn't shown up yet. I think she's having nightmares. This has been going on all night.

Newsie (bursting into room 2): This is a Muppet Newsflash! Gothic love blossoms in the dark of the night. Details at 11.

Cotterpin (brightens up, gasping): Newsie!

Newsie (smiles and picks up Cotterpin): Why, hello, Cotterpin! *shows her a bat ornament and a black rose* I found these outside near your little garage door. The meaning of this present is quite clear, don't you agree?

Cotterpin: Um ... no?

Newsie (gently pats her on the head): I believe a bat-themed creature has fallen desperately in love with you, Cotterpin.

Cotterpin (gasps): ME? That vampire Count guy?

Newsie (adjusts his glasses): The evidence certainly points that way. As an investigative journalist, it's important to be able to make accurate conclusions. The people have a right to know!

Pearl (hears footsteps behind them, sees Spike sneaking in, and points to Kelly's door and waves)

Cotterpin: O_O Gosh. I had no idea that number-obsessed vampire had a thing for me. That is so ... so ... totally unexpected.

Newsie (shrugs): Don't you have a boyfriend, Cotterpin?

Cotterpin (shrugs): He calls it that, but I don't. Waldo's just someone I like to hang out with. Sometimes it's very romantic. But Doozers aren't really mushy about that sort of thing.

Spike (gently opens Kelly's door and sneaks in, surprised when a large bed fit for a polecanthus magically appears next to Kelly's bed, and he sits quietly next to Kelly as she sleeps)

Kelly (momentarily waking up, sweating in a panic, glances over at Spike, smiles peacefully, mouths "I love you", and slips back into sedate slumber)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Beth and Red return to room 3 after a few days away*
Beth: Well, it's pretty much how we left it. Let's clear that area over there away for our new roomie
Red: Who did we end up getting?
Beth: Here's a clue *sets a plate of cookies on the table*
Red: Um, is that going to be enough for him?
Beth: Well, it's a start
*a knock is heard at the door*
Red: I'll get it. *opens door*
Cookie Monster: Hi Fraggle!
Red: Hey Cookie, welcome back, it's been awhile
Cookie: Oh it sure have, now scuse me but me smell cookies, me must come in before me go crazy!
*Red smartly steps aside as Cookie bursts through the doorway, throws his bag on the floor and devours the cookies Beth left on the table*
Red: Oh this could be an interesting year
Beth: Welcome back furry buddy *goes to hug Cookie Monster*
Cookie: Thanks. Me missed this place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Pearl (trying on new blouses in the common room)

Spike (watching TV, grinning): 'Ey ... I don't t'ink dey like it when ya jus' get all naked in front of 'em.

Pearl (waves dismissively): Sugah ... if you're a big fat prude, that's YOUR affair. I got all kinds o' beauty in these here scales an' I don't care who knows.

Newsie (goes to the Electric Mayhem, thrusts a mic in their faces): Is this a sign that the Electric Mayhem is back together for good? Any plans for reunion specials or spots on Hollywood Squares? Have you heard that you've been specially requested for a wedding?

Kelly (jumps on Spike's back): Let's go shopping for outfits! There's a wedding spot somewhere around town .... *realizes she's nearly been impaled by his spikes* Erk! *thud*


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Newsie (rolls eyes): Yeah, kid ... like I would ACTUALLY have the audio go right to these sensitive ears. *bops RF on the head*


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Pearl (picks up Ailie and RF and throws them to opposite sides of the hall): Now, now, kiddies -- I know you might think certain things are all fine an' good 'cause this guy has a violent runnin' gag -- but now that this lil' darlin' is with US -- we won't put up with anyone beatin' the daylights outta each other.

Newsie (rubs his head, frowning): At least I was just teasing ... it seems like the little tyke still hasn't earned his way out of detention.

Kelly (shows up): What the whatever is going on?

Newsie: I merely dished out what was given to me -- by a CHILD, no less -- and then Ailie comes and hits me on the head with a rolling pin!

Pearl (pats Newsie on the head): Just be glad it wasn't a fryin' pan, hon' -- mah poor lil' brother saw stars all his life 'cause o' that.

Spike (appears behind Kelly): Yeah. I'm glad ta see I haven't been missin' much. I t'ink it's best if our ceremony is a little private affair.

Kelly (nods): I was kinda hoping our wedding would go well. I was hoping you guys could behave just two seconds. I'm not going to let my wedding be ruined. C'mon, guys -- we've got shopping to do. *sighs, leaves*


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Pearl (watches as Kelly starts to leave): Now, hold on, sugah. *to Ailie and RF* Let's all get on the same page, shall we? No one, an' I mean NO ONE, even his own roomies, has a right to attack someone else. I only separated you two youngin's 'cause I felt a fight was fixin' ta start, an' I've heard how that sort o' thing spiraled outta control before. If that weren't your intent, I apologize, but I'm a protective sort. I don't want this turnin' into a runnin' gag.

Spike (grabs Kelly): Hold on, toots. Let's not storm off. Let's try dis again.

Kelly (sighs): Whatever happens to Newsie will happen, but not by a member of the Dorms. Agreed? Please agree to it.

Newsie (hangs his head): And I concur -- I shall also attempt to refrain from acting out physically, even if he deserves it.

Spike (grins, laughs, and pats everyone on the back): See? We're all friends again. Ain't dat grand? We're gonna go run some errands, but you nice young folks feel free to talk amongst yourselves. *everyone slowly files out*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Somebody say corn chips? I love those things, especially the curly ones. :hungry:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Kelly (at the wedding gown store, sitting on a bench and sighing)

Spike: Pfft. You really t'ink all dis glam is really necessary?

Kelly (shrugs): That's what I'm unsure of. I mean, I would love to have a glitzy dress like Sarah's ... but ... I'm definitely not her dimensions and I can't really stand dresses. *turns to Spike* What are YOU gonna wear?

Spike (long pause): I got as far as "clothes".

Kelly (laughs)

Spike (smirks): O' course, ain't you a geek? How 'bout Betazed-style?

Kelly (nearly dies laughing): I don't think that will fly over at the dorms, Boots. 'Sides, I have body image issues -- NO WAY I'm gonna do THAT ... :big_grin: *tries to stop laughing* So, what do dinosaurs normally do?

Spike (shrugs): I don't really attend a lotta formal occasions.

Kelly (facepalm): You're so completely hopeless. *hugs him* I'm so glad you agreed to come back, though. You don't know how much that meant.

Spike (smirks)

Kelly (sighs, stands): Okay ... I'm not leaving here until I find a good outfit.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Takes some corn chips.
*Grabs a soda.
*Working at the bat-puter with one of my dark books.
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