INTERCOM: This is Big Brother. All housemates please gather in the living room. Repeat. This is Big Brother, all housemates please gather in...well, you get the drill. After a week of preparing and a day of voting, we can now announce which housemate has become the first Head of Household. But first, a little information on this esteemed title: The Head of Household not only holds certain powers over voting and evictions for a time (details will be explained at a later date to the HoH), they will also receive a luxury room all to themselves.
A door opens, beyond which the housemates can see a room with thick carpets, a bed with a thick mattress and duvets, a refrigerator stocked with luxury foods, a wall-size dvd-player with stack of dvd's, and various other items and decorations.
INTERCOM: Therefore, after we announce the Head of Household, that person may move their bags to the luxury room and sleep, lounge, etc there. Note: only the HoH may enter this room. And, so, without further ado, I can announce that the first Head of Household will be...shall be...will be...BEAKERFAN!!! 69% of the votes called for
Logo 3 designed by Beakerfan, so, Beakerfan you may move to the Luxury HoH Room at your leisure.
Meanwhile, as the housemates are distracted in the living room, a team has entered the main bedroom, removing beds, mattresses, and quilts and leaving only a scattering of pillows and a pile of sleeping bags for the rest of the housemates. Sleep well!