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Maybe It's Not Too Late After All

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Two chapters? In one day? Hoo-boy.

1 The scene where Mizumi's sitting on a boulder in the Great Hall... I like that. Not just because it's a quiet scene which we've not seen her in before... But it reminds me of something in my memories from a show called So Weird. The recording star mom sitting on a large rock/boulder composing a song for her Da... That same sort of introspectiveness.
2 Ga! Confused Ma Gorg with Taminella for a moment. Good show demonstrating how the war's affected their lives as well.
3 Scorpius creating a reason for the mission to be "over", lamenting over the loss of Erin's potential... Yep, that's just like him.
4 Mizumi calling Jareth the personification of hubris. Mmm, Pearl still not convinced of that from what was said in Vol 4?
5 Curious about who's got Digit glitching with fatherly "love"? I can almost visualize the doctor and its assistant from the end of Season 2 of Farscape in this role, moreso the assistant actually.

More please?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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But it reminds me of something in my memories from a show called So Weird. The recording star mom sitting on a large rock/boulder composing a song for her Da... That same sort of introspectiveness.
Never seen it, but thanks. The flashback regarding what happened while Mizumi was stuck in Eshe's head (the meeting of Taminella and Sweetums and Grover) was kept quiet until now, but it helps explain why she came out of Unity so upset. Ma Gorg lost her family trying to protect others. Mizumi realizes that only by losing what she seemed to cherish, to throw her dreams away, will she get back what she lost, which is the reason she loved Jareth in the first place. And the pebble is the Fraggle pebble from MFC, LOL. I put it in there to show a connectedness to Destiny.

3 Scorpius creating a reason for the mission to be "over", lamenting over the loss of Erin's potential... Yep, that's just like him.
He doesn't mind blowing up the tunnel because with the neurochip, he can see what she sees anyway, so even if she dies, he'll learn from her experiences regardless. And he knows that Digit can't survive moisture very well, so that little hiccup won't be a problem too much longer. Speaking of which ....

5 Curious about who's got Digit glitching with fatherly "love"? I can almost visualize the doctor and its assistant from the end of Season 2 of Farscape in this role, moreso the assistant actually.
LOL, I thought of that too, but ... no. C'mon, you know how much I admire ARH and, quite frankly, I came up with the paternal relationship between Digit and Bunsen. I just put my own dark spin on the concept here. In this universe, Bunsen had a son and created a kind of Digit for this world in order to get brownie points with the Peacekeepers. Heck, Bunsen might have invented the neurochip in this universe. We may never know. However, while the relationship between Bunsen and Beaker is played for laughs, in reality, Bunsen would get slapped with so many ethics violations his head would spin. Also, I can't have very many scifi or fantasy references by the characters. Digit can't glitch into Spock, for example, because in this universe humans can't dream up stories like that. So, I have to reference things without having the characters realizing they're referencing anything. Thus, while Digit can't glitch Star Trek quotes, he DOES have a goatee, which is an homage to Mirror Spock and is a very, VERY long running gag in the scifi world whenever there is an alternate universe or something.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yes... Didn't even notice the implication of the goatee until you pointed it out. Well-worn and well-used in sci-fi circles indeed.
Oh... The "pebble". *Loves that touch of reference.
Mizumi throwing her dreams away to get back what she lost... Why does this sound familiar? :smirk:

Glad to read from your wonderful imagination, even if such things have been quashed in this AU.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Chapter 16

Sarah kneeled beside Mokey as Zhaan did the same. A strange mist rolled into the cave, making the walls glisten even though there was nothing but a minimum ambient light. Sarah took one of Mokey’s hands, but rubbed her temples with the other. “Are we dying?” she whispered.

Zhaan looked as though she were about to throw up. She was pale and several areas were opening into disgusting buds with purulent drainage all over her body. She shivered. “I fear it might be so, young Sarah.” She closed her eyes, trying to dismiss the mist, trying to recover long-lost memories of her wise father. She bowed her head and whispered, “Kay'me maia kosa Visha'meel maia kosa ah Khalaan ah Khalaan.”

Mokey inhaled, her eyes widening. It had seemed like just a cave, but with each breath, transient traces of life started to make themselves known, from an archaic Fraggle drawing with hands near the smiling face as though it were mocking them, to the distant sounds of drums beating rhythmically. “Hmmm, hmmm. Hmmm, hmmm,” she hummed, tightening or loosening her grip as she did so.

The mist thickened and swirled around them.

The three members of the Holy Seek glanced around. The walls of the cave were no longer visible. Instead, images seemed to be projected onto the wall of fog. Mizumi could be seen staring at an older Mokey, who had strange markings like Zhaan’s chloroplasts on her forehead. A two-foot-tall pink obese lizard seemed to stand before a giant arthropod with many legs with a famished look in its sparkling purple eyes. A female Fraggle who looked similar to General Red, but wearing a primitive metallic helmet and a purple cloak, swung a wooden sword at unseen foes.

Zhaan and Mokey seemed to be enchanted, staring intently at each image.

Sarah, however, shook her head. “This is completely pointless!” she protested as the mist agitated around her. “There are no answers about anything!” The others groaned slightly as she unconsciously tightened her grip on their hands in anger. “If the universe is truly broken, I wish I knew what might fix it!”

The mist seemed to groan as a particular wisp formed a double loop, pulsating in an infinite pattern. A beige male Fraggle with white hair and a peculiar beige hat and a white scarf appeared in the vision, as tunnels miraculously revealed themselves all around him. The image faded as John appeared, dressed in an orange jumpsuit and a bulbous helmet as he sat in a crowded space, nearly torn to pieces as he was swallowed through a swirling vortex. As John’s image dissipated, Zhaan and Mokey recognized Jareth. He was surrounded by darkness and chaotic mobs. They were furious with him, their faces twisted as they screamed. They tore his clothes off, though body parts came with them. His torso and arms bubbled and transformed into a short, cowering elderly male with a large head and simple clothing. His head, its mouth trapped in an unending scream, grew a black lacey frill around what was left of the neck, its scalp losing its wonderful mane in return for spots of short white hair. Finally, his legs joined and reconstituted into an exact replica of Jareth, though his eyes seemed larger thanks to painted decoration at the edges. He held up a silver-looking crown in his hand, floating it in the air effortlessly. His arrogant smile and forceful stare made Sarah shriek in pain, tearing herself away from the rest of the Seek.

As she fell down, a depressed-looking Jareth stood before an elderly man in black as they circled a gigantic purple crystal floating in the air. They attacked each other, shattering the crystal.

All three members of the Seek awoke as the mist dissipated, their noses bleeding and their heads throbbing.

Zhaan cringed in agony. This far away from any light source was taking its toll on her. She could theoretically recover in either strong light or nutrient-rich soil, but could she find such a thing before her body gave out?

Mokey stared at her drawing pad as it lay next to her. “John. Matt. Jareth,” she noted quietly as she stared at their images that had somehow appeared, her voice straining from the destructive release. She wiped the blood off her nose. “Like us, they opened their hearts as well as paths to other lands. If we are to survive … we … must … work together.”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Sorry it is so short, but I’m having trouble sleeping, and if I didn’t write this scene, I’d go crazy, LOL.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... If the dreams you're having are what's giving you problems, maybe you can call on a baku to devour them so you have good sleep instead?
It may have been short, but this mist helped connect what's happened before in your ficverse with what's happening now as a result of the shattering of the Crystal of Thraa. And the imagery used at points rully helps drive the point home of how all three members of the Seikh were affected by the visions just experienced. Thanks, more please when you can post. :dreamy: :scary: :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Chapter 17

Matthew Fraggle, dazed from the cave-in, stared in shock as Digit sputtered and sparked, his gray eyes looking even more lifeless than Matthew thought possible. He had only met this strange male creature today, but the sorry sight of the dying was something he could never get used to.

Gobo was a small Fraggle, having seen only a few winters, and Matthew sighed as Gobo brought home a pile of sweet potatoes taken from the human garden nearby. In return for a portion of the crop, Gobo and Matthew offered surveillance and protection against vicious creatures that might harm the tender vegetables and fruits.

“Uncle Matt,” Gobo whined, “are you just gonna sit there on that rock all day an’ watch the grass grow?”

Matthew sniffled. “Perhaps, young Fraggle.” Matthew glanced at him. “I thought you didn’t WANT to scout the farms today, little Gobo. YOU said scouting was for old Fraggles who couldn’t even get their pants on.”

Gobo rolled his eyes and set down the sweet potatoes in a large pile. “Okay, okay … so I changed my mind.”

“You mustn’t be so indecisive, young Gobo,” Matt advised him. “At some point, you’re just going to have to take charge.”

“’Ey, I got us the deal with the humans, didn’t I?”

“Pffbt. You were merely shaken to your tail that they were going to kill us.”

“Was not!”

“Was too!” Matt sighed and stared at the clouds as airships flew by, his tone becoming more somber. “Little Gobo, I … I just want you to have ALL the skills necessary for a young Fraggle to survive on the surface.”

Gobo sat next to him, his tail waving back and forth lazily. His voice was filled with youthful curiosity. “What was it like, in the Rock, Uncle Matt?”

Uncle Matt smiled. He patted the young Fraggle on the head. “Someday, young Gobo … someday … you’ll get your chance to be one with the Rock yourself.” He coughed and cleared his throat, standing up abruptly, nearly knocking Gobo back. “Until that day, my good nephew … there are sweet potatoes that need peeling, and they aren’t going to do it themselves.”

Digit coughed, saliva mixing with electric sparks. He was shaking. “The Rock … out … of danger?” he asked quietly.

“Depends on what you mean by ‘danger’, I suppose,” Matt offered back. “There seem to be too many rocks in front of the entrance. I guess we’ll just have to sit and wait for a rescue.”

Digit shook his head. “N-n-no, too … too danger … ous,” he commented in broken words. “Have to … have to … leave here. Find … Captain.” The white light that shined from his pupils went dark. Ironically, only when he was dead did he finally resemble a living being at all.

Matthew rubbed his nose, placed some small flat rocks over Digit’s dark eyes, and walked deeper into the tunnels.

Maybe, he had to get used to it, Matthew thought to himself. It was the only way to go forward.


John splashed some water from a large cave pond on his face, sighing with relief. The caves had become so horribly muggy.

And there was that awful sensation that the humidity itself was sucking the very lives out of everyone in the exploratory crew. He saw Aeryn waiting behind him through the reflection in the water. Standing up, he turned to her and nodded for her to use the pond.

Aeryn silently pushed past him and started to cup her hands to drink. Wiping the water from her mouth, she noted with an official tone, “The temperature appears to be climbing. Let’s find these frelling crystals and get out of here.”

John wiped his brow with his shirt. “I get that crystals look nice on the table and manage to frell up plows during planting season … but what does Scorpius want with them anyway?”

Aeryn inhaled deeply and glanced at him. “Have you ever been offworld, John?”

John shook his head. “Been meaning to, I guess. It’s just … things kept getting in the way.”

Aeryn nodded. “It seems like that for everyone, I suppose. Twelve thousand cycles ago, there was a crisis on the planet Arnessk. A wise and noble race disappeared from historical records. No one knows what happened to them. Still, the legends indicate that it was a more impossible time, when life did not seem to throw so many obstacles in the way of happiness.” She sighed and shrugged, staring at the pond. “I guess something else happened.”

“And what makes you say that?”

Aeryn smirked. “Because two thousand cycles later … there were no more legends.”


Sarah wrung a soaking piece of Zhaan’s robes onto her head as she lay on the cave floor as Mokey watched sadly.

Zhaan smiled serenely and stayed her hand. “I cannot help you find Jareth, my dear friend. I fear you will have to do this on your own.”

Mokey gasped and held Zhaan’s other hand, caressing it even though her blue skin was beginning to exude a disgusting gel-like substance. “We’re not going to leave you behind, High Priestess.”

Zhaan chuckled, wincing briefly in pain. “My child … if I am so loved, so cherished … obey my wishes.”

Mokey sobbed. “But … but … you can’t die! You’re just as much a part of the prophecy as we are!”

Zhaan caressed her gently. “Mokey, you’ve begun. You’ve begun all this. Listen to me, now: prophecies, I am learning, are but guides.”

Sarah wiped her tears away and turned from the scene. “What good are guides that don’t lead you anywhere?”

Zhaan, despite the agony coursing through her body, sat up straight and grabbed Sarah by the leg. “Sarah … after everything we’ve seen, how can you say we’ve seen nothing so often?”

Sarah didn’t look at her. Her voice was bitter. “We’ve seen what we’ll never be, Zhaan,” she commented through gritted teeth. “We’re running fast, and far, and at the end … all that will be there is an empty room.”

Water poured up from a crack in the cave floor, falling upwards toward the ceiling. A human male with long, stringy black hair, dressed in peasant clothing, a bejeweled bandana draped around his forehead, climbed out of the emerging pool and looked around, his long beaded goatee dripping in water. His voice was suave and enchanting, if a little uneven, as though he had taken in too much fermented contala tea.

“I’m so terribly sorry,” he blurted out, his hands gesturing wildly. “I find myself in the peculiar position of being in precisely the wrong position, and as wonderful as positioning myself in the center of such a diverse array of blossoming femininity might appear to some, it is of the utmost importance I get to the right position forthwith. So, if you’ll excuse me, ladies ….” With that, he jumped up into the pool forming on the cave ceiling, the water disappearing with him.

Sarah stared at the ceiling.

Mokey did the same. “That was … bizarre,” she noted. She glanced back at Zhaan. “Didn’t you think so?”

Zhaan lay still, not answering, a peaceful countenance frozen on her face.


Jareth tumbled onto the cave floor, cringing in a fetal position, tears streaming from his eyes. His sobs echoed throughout the large cavern as the swirling mists coated him. He clutched at his face, as though it were a mask he found himself desperate to tear off. “Call out the guards!” he screamed. “Take the baby and hide it!” His voice became younger and even more fearful. “I try to do the right thing – to be responsible – and what good does it do anyone? Nothing I do matters. It never did.” As he writhed, Mizumi’s voice curdled out of his mouth. “From that day forth, we drifted from world to world together, sometimes as conquerors, sometimes invisible and harmless as a breeze.” His voice returned to normal, though it was furious. “Everything you have wanted I have done!” He sobbed, his body beginning to relax as he resigned himself. He had been suffering for what seemed like an eternity, a multitude of lives from the past, the future, the present … even other “presents” that seemed so familiar and yet so foreign to him.

He finally managed to open an eye. A dark-skinned woman, her sea-green hair glistening in the mist, smiled, which seemed to calm his tortured form as his robes melted away to reveal a black outfit meant to symbolize a regal yet threatening presence. He panted, but his crying stopped. “It isn’t too late to live up to your potential, Jareth,” she informed him gently. “Use this wish.” She kissed him on the forehead.

“I … I don’t know what to wish for,” Jareth muttered timidly.

She laughed. “I want you to thrive.” She caressed his hair. Standing, she held a tiny light in her hands. She threw back a hand and heaved it into the air. The light disappeared through the cave ceiling. Looking back at Jareth, she shrugged, stating plainly, “I give to thee, so little of me, sweet as the fruit of the red cherry tree. Laughter so free, love like the sea, dreams are the gift I give back to thee, a gift from the dear heart of me.” Her warm laughter carried through the air as she slowly dissipated with the mist.

Jareth awoke, unaware of how much time had passed. He felt strong, easily sitting up without even the slightest headache …

… surprised at the white and tan feathered outfit that formed tightly around his well-curved frame, as though his very clothes were but a reflection of the power coursing through him.

Author’s Note: Some of the dialogue come from either episodes of Farscape, volume 4 of Return to Labyrinth, the movie Labyrinth, or episodes of Fraggle Rock. And the cameo in this chapter by the coolest pirate ever was dreamt up while watching that fourth movie, On Stranger Tides or whatever. I mean, c’mon, you get to a magical Fountain of Youth by entering a cave, using a musical incantation (or, he assumed one was needed), and it depends on a very flexible sense of time and space. I will maintain through my dying day that Jack was in part of Fraggle Rock, LOL.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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:laugh: So that cameo was what I thought it was. Abso-blooming-lutely brilliant!
And there's a bit more of reference, I recognize that other cameo giving Jareth a wish to echo what Sirena did for Jack towards the end of the movie.

Thank you for updating, twas a happy distraction. :drool:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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LOL, really? That was largely unintentional, actually. I was just sitting at my laptop, trying to come up with how Jareth could get even a smidge of his power back ... and Eshe just popped into my head, but then the problem was what she actually took from Jareth that he had thrown away ....


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Chapter 18

(201 PK)

Jareth began to laugh as he stood, swirling specks of light surrounding him and sticking to the rocky contours of the cave. He tossed his head back, arched his back, feeling alive for the first time since before his ancient subjects tore him into three: his powerful need to fulfill dreams, his nightmares of feeding off others’ fears, and his timid vulnerability to others’ dislike of him.

It had been so long ago, really.

Before he found himself on a remote planet with three suns and a giant crystal, he had been King of the Universe. His subjects were spread far and wide. Separated as they were amongst the stars, they had wildly opposing demands of him. Peace, war, authority, humility, light, darkness … it was all he could do to keep them happy, and still they wanted more. Everything he did, he did for them, but it was never enough.

It nearly cracked his heart, the strain was so great. Planets started colliding. Stars exploded. Strange holes were ripped through space and time. Shores were flooded. Mountains crumbled. Cosmic fires baked atmospheres through and through.

The subjects were furious. They developed the means to caress the stars and found him. Mocking him, they enlarged his crown and sent it hurtling through space, never to be worn by him ever again. They grabbed him and ripped him into three separate beings.

Until Maldis had arrived on Thra many cycles ago, he didn’t have the strength to wonder where the other two were.

His heart filled with rapture. He hadn’t felt this way in such a long time. Nobody had dreams of any import anymore. Even this gift would not last long. He fed off dreams, even as he strove to fulfill them. For if one gave love away, it would come again to stay. Everything was a part of each other, deeply connected in ways most beings would never comprehend.

Deep within his heart, though his ears heard nothing, he heard a rising swell of sound.

His mouth felt compelled to go along for the ride.

Daddy, daddy – get me out of here! he shouted as the swirling lights seemed to echo with a faint “heard about a place today”-like phrase. He laughed. I’m, I’m … underground!

His shouts of exultation seemed to evolve into something more … lyrical … a notion that was kept barely alive in certain mystical species across the universe as they chanted rhythmically to focus their pneumas.

Heard about a place today … where nothing ever huuuuurts again.


Outside, as the sun finally set and the oppressive heat wave started to dissipate, Scorpius gently rubbed his leather-clad fingers over a crystal goblet. The crystal began to reverberate, a subtle sound emanating from it.

His darkened heart skipped a beat and then beat even faster to compensate.

He looked up toward the blackening sky. Only in darkness, it seemed, did the universe reveal itself in all its glory … and yet the stars he knew were larger than the mind could fathom seemed so … miniscule.

A white streak arced across the sky and faded before touching the distant horizon.

Scorpius gently placed the goblet on the small metal table in front of him as he sat on a stark veranda. He smiled.

Maybe, just maybe … there was a way to beat the Scarrans once and for all.


Sarah gasped as she turned toward the strange sounds coming from the tunnel. She had expected to enter a large cave, but nothing like what she saw … a cave of nearly infinite tunnels branching off in every possible direction, including up and down. It had to be night by now, and the sun’s rays couldn’t enter some place so deep under ground anyway, but somehow, there was a light source that seemed present and hidden all at the same time.

Mokey, clutching Zhaan’s jewelry in her arms, stood slack-jawed.

They didn’t notice the human adult male, John, was it?

Behind John was a small beige elderly Fraggle, panting as he tried to keep up, using a broken stick as a cane.

All of them stood as they approached what might have been the center of the infinite cave, as far as they could guess. They nearly bumped into each other.

Gasping, they stood and gawked at each other, with John and Sarah blushing slightly and turning their eyes away.

As the shock began to wear off, they all muttered aloud at the same time, “Jareth must return to Thra.”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: “Underground” is owned by David Bowie. Yum.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Another great chapter. Of course everyone would end up meeting at the T. Matt Fraggle Room, that's a focal point for strong convergences seeing how you're playing with the trinity of Jareth. Rully intrigued to see how this progresses.