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Maybe It's Not Too Late After All


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Jun 14, 2010
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You may have to go to the "Watched threads" section of your profile, list all the threads (as opposed to just the ones with new replies), check all the boxes beside them, and then with the pull-down at the bottom, enable E-mail notifications for all the threads you've checked.

It's a kludge, but it works. That's how I set all my fic threads to notify me of replies without needlessly bumping 'em.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oh okay... Will give that a try, but I'm still not liking this new forum setup. I'm not getting notifications even about new members, and the View Who's Online/View Birthdays is also gone.
To quote Gobo and Wembley from Throw The Stuff Out... "We just don't like it!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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This story is clearly begging for an update. I had a dream on Saturday where a storm was magically sealing every entry into Fraggle Rock, so Gobo (who was in Outer Space) couldn't get to Red, who was in Fraggle Rock. We searched everywhere, and we could see her in the openings, but it was like a weird force field. On Sunday, I dreamed Scorpius kidnapped Sarah. So, in the interest of getting some quality sleep for a change, an update will be forthcoming this week, LOL. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Chapter 12

Jareth watched the pitiful trickle of water arch over the edge of a small rocky vent high above his head, dripping to the ground below in a fast-tempo melody. Water seemed so calming, didn’t it?



Drip drip drippety drip drip.



He could watch that trickle for arns. Time meant nearly nothing down here in the maze of tunnels and caves. It was a blissful place where the self seemed to slip away into nothingness, for emptiness was better than suffering, wasn’t it? It was almost like, given enough time, one could completely forget oneself down here.


A torrent of water flushed down the vent, drenching Jareth, sending him sprawling across the narrow tunnel with a groaning thud. The water spiraled up from the ground, draining from his soaked body, and formed a humanoid shape. Within a few microts, Mizumi gasped and stood before him, frowning. Where was that smirk? He looked like a drowned rat, she thought, even though he was now dry.

Jareth sputtered and coughed and rose, keeping his eyes on the ground. “Milady,” he greeted her, quietly.

Mizumi lunged at him, grabbing him by the throat, clasping her lips onto his. He barely returned her passion. She broke off and spat in disgust.

“Have I failed thee, Milady?” Jareth asked her, mournfully wiping his mouth with his sleeve. “Am I not everything you’ve wished for?”

Mizumi scoffed, hissing at him, “I’ve always hated your petulant need to be sarcastic, Jareth.”

Jareth’s face fell, even more than it already had. “Milady, I am not being sarcastic. All the time we’ve been together … you act as though something of mine is missing.”

“Balls, for instance,” Mizumi whispered under her breath. She glared at him, speaking in a curt voice, “Where are your crystals, Jareth? Where is your smarmy, glaringly obvious power that radiates from you?”

“From me or from crystals, Mizumi?” Jareth asked, curious, finally able to look her in the eyes. “You’re implying I am nothing without some little talisman of sorts.” He sighed. “Mizumi … I am broken. You and I … are intertwined, are we not?” He nodded toward one end of the tunnel. “How can you believe the bond is so easily broken?” A brief smirk flashed across his face before retreating back into forlornness. “I grow weaker. You obviously grow stronger. Perhaps you enjoy watching my nightmares come true.”

Mizumi drew back her hand to slap him, but lowered it softly, as her body sank to the ground. She wept. “Jareth … I get it. Do you understand?” she sobbed. “I … I … I regret the things I have done to you. I have altered time. I have broken the universe. I have,” she paused, crying loudly for a moment, “been … broken … in turn … just to have you.” She wiped her eyes with her sleeve and looked up at him pitifully. “Have I not been loving? Have I not worshipped the ground you walked on? Have I not been everything that you want? What more must I be for you?”

Jareth kneeled beside her and caressed her hair tenderly. In the other universe, Mizumi knew, Jareth’s eyes would have been filled with disappointment. This Jareth, however, showed … could it be?

Signs of empathy?

He spoke softly. This was not the King of the Universe, or even the Goblin King, whose voice could make even the iciest female heart swoon. Before her was … a broken man, a shell of his former self. “Dearest Mizumi,” he began, “you wail against a fate I do not know. You go to so much trouble over such a little thing.” He smiled briefly. “I want nothing from you.”

Mizumi abruptly stood and turned her back on him as he slowly rose, confused. Mizumi continued to stare into the darkness. “That is precisely why no one on this planet will ever find you,” she claimed bitterly, holding herself in her arms.

Jareth chuckled sheepishly. “You say that so often. It makes me wonder which life you seem to think is so threatening to me.”

Mizumi turned and stared at him, surprised. “Have you never heard the name of Sarah?” she asked, shocking herself to realize this is the first time she has been able to stomach saying that name without gagging.

Jareth shook his head, shrugging. “A woman?” He managed to laugh genuinely at last. “You are so bitter over a woman whose name only you know? This is why you have kept me as close to you as possible, ever since Thra?” He laughed again. “My dearest wife Mizumi … are you so incredibly insecure?” He expected her to turn violent again, but felt a bit surprised when she sat back down in a melancholic pose, her hair draping her face like a veil.

Her voice was soft, lacking the usual arrogant haughtiness. She stared at the ground, ashamed to look at him. “I am the one who made you this way,” she told him. “With a careless flick of my wrist, I brought darkness to you, all those thousands of cycles ago.”

“Maldis,” he whispered with a hint of enchanted intrigue. “You met me far later, Mizumi. How can you be responsible?”

Mizumi laughed and sobbed at the same time. “I was attacked by Maldis, my love. I defeated him, only to find him sent through time and space. With him came the death-knell of the universe.” She looked up at him, her eyes glistening. “For this … I am truly sorry.”

Jareth stroked his chin in thought. “Your heart is broken, my love. I see the pain in your eyes. Yet here, there is a little peace. Can you not feel it?”

Mizumi shook her head. “I feel nothing but a dying world, Jareth,” she replied sullenly. “Its heart is dying. The heart shall die and then the world shall follow, with everyone on or near it. There is nothing to believe in, anymore.”

Jareth sat next to her, staring at the opposite tunnel wall. “I have resigned myself to this unending shattered dream, Mizumi.” He glanced at her. “I still see the pain of being torn amongst different paths in you. You clearly still have something I no longer possess.”

“Hope,” she whispered. A thought entered her head, and her face brightened, glistening tears streaming down her face.

Outside the tunnels, in the daylight, Scorpius drank from a glistening glass as Peacekeeper minions used every tool within their disposal to chip away the massive walls of ice. He glanced to the right, noting a tall Delvian amongst the crowds, followed by a small furry creature with a brown robe. Both wore sparkling jewels around their necks, centered in a trio of golden suns that fell against their collarbones.

The Delvian walked up to Scorpius and bowed. “The Seek is spreading its influence, precisely as planned, Lord Scorpius.” She waved a hand toward the furry creature. “This is my assistant, Mokey Fraggle.”

Scorpius smiled at the creature, amused that his appearance made her tremble so. He glanced back at the Priestess. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Milady?”

The Delvian nodded solemnly. “I come humbly with a request. A vision of the Goddess has alerted me to a cave deep within the ground.”

“Yes, and accessing it seems to be rather … frustrating … at the moment, Zhaan,” he replied bitterly.

Zhaan nodded again. “However, Mokey and I have both had visions. The Triple Sun is the key. It will take three Priestesses of the Seek to enter the caves and find what you so rightfully desire.”

Sarah bowed as she appeared before Scorpius with another glass and some fruit. She looked at the blue Priestess as she felt being analyzed intently. “Is there anything I can do for you, Milady?”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Applauds the chapter. Jareth/Mizumi angstiness mixed with a bit of prophecy or scheming yet to come to enter the underground tunnels. And yet, the heart of the world is slowly dying, slowing down as it were, now why does that remind me of something or other?
Thanks... Post more when possible.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Chapter 13

“Absolutely not!” barked Scorpius. “Sarah is mine.”

The Delvian priestess, Zhaan, bowed reverently, her jewels glittering in the sun. “One must be willing to do what is necessary to achieve one’s goals, Your Eminence.”

Scorpius cringed subtly. He hated when others had a good point. Still, he wouldn’t give up his new toy so easily. He snapped his fingers. A pudgy light-green-skinned male walked over. He was bald aside from wires and thin cables forming a disturbing goatee around his mouth. His pupils were white, as they appeared to be a kind of light source or camera or something. Cables were draped across his shoulder, with one end connected to the base of his skull and the other connected to a rigid metal plate on his chest. He looked, to everyone, like a remote control corpse. Scorpius sneered. “Digit … what is our progress?”

Digit coughed, his beard crackling briefly with electricity. The dust from the mining was torture on his sensitive electronics. “My Lord … the ice appears to be receding. We should be able to enter the tunnel by tomorrow.” He saw that Scorpius was about to protest. “My Lord, let me remind you that using ships to level the hill into dust could very well destroy the tunnel’s properties. You simply can’t tamper with the warping of spacetime, which is our running theory of how this tunnel appeared to be deeper than the actual location….”

Scorpius scoffed from underneath his shelter from the sun. “I want inside within six arns.” He jabbed a finger at Digit’s pudgy cheeks. “You will lead an exploratory team. I want complete documentation before,” he glanced at Zhaan angrily, “anyone from the Seek steps a single foot inside. Am I clear?”

Digit trembled. Scorpius was not giving him a posh job at all. In fact, Digit was assured in his belief that Scorpius was sending him to his death. Just being on the outskirts of the mining area was interfering with his circuitry. To go into a dank, dirt-filled tunnel? Scorpius only had three methods of firing anyone: transfer and demote someone (if he mostly liked you), flat-out shoot them dead (if you irritated him), or promote someone into a dangerous position so that the position killed them (if he unimaginably despised you). Digit’s trembling evolved into a full-blown seizure. He was certain he was being fired using the last method.

Digit jerked and twitched in chaotic movements. “Father, the Peacekeepers are here to enslave us,” he protested quietly. He paused a bit, as though listening to a reply. Shaking his head, he continued, his voice scratchy and varying wildly in pitch, “If destiny … us to … promote science … humans … *erk* … *pant pant* humans … had been … scient … scient … smart enough to … do it sooner without Peacekeeper help.” He fell to the ground, writhing. His voice screamed in pitiful pleading, his arms flailing, “Father … don’t!

Scorpius was less than amused. He motioned for some grunts to come closer. “Take this writhing worm away.”

Mokey stifled her tears as she took out some paper and a pen, hastily sketching the thrashing Digit as Scorpius looked on. Ever since she met Zhaan, she had been illuminated with the concept of taking her thoughts and recording them for posterity. Mokey was unaware if Fraggles had ever had their own script, even pictographic symbols. For her, it was as though the universe itself had revealed its deepest secrets to her.

It also gave her solace as she nearly moistened her legs after the “discussion” between Scorpius and Digit.

Zhaan gently bowed and took her leave, with Mokey following.

Sarah nervously glanced at Scorpius. Scorpius nodded toward Zhaan. “Go,” he told her quietly. “You will not, however, enter that tunnel without me.”

Sarah nodded. “I live to serve you,” she told him.

Scorpius grabbed her by the throat, pinned her against some metal cases, and inhaled deeply, as though filling his lungs with her scent. His whisper was a growl. “You live only because I currently demand it. If I want your fear I will have it. If I want your love I will have it.” He pressed against her harder. “Your freedom or your servitude is subject to my whim alone.”

Sarah, crying, found herself strangely determined to make him happy. Yes, her life was on the line, but that wasn’t important to her. After her parents sold her, her life was an unending maze of uncertainty and disappointment. And while the Traskan woman was nice, this was the first time she ever felt led to her destiny. Most would cringe at his treatment of her, but for Sarah, it was a welcome respite from feeling like shattered glass blowing in the wind.

More than anything, she wanted to be worthy of him.

Sarah found herself in a small enclave after leaving Scorpius. A young bipedal collie in a sultry black dress walked up to her, her tail wagging. “You lookin’ for a job, hon?” The collie shook her head, sighing. “’Fraid we ain’t got much use fer humans. Our clientele tends to like a bit more spunk than what you got.”

A gray poodle with tight curls piled up on her head muscled her out of the way, her sequined red dress shimmering in the dim lights. “She got a right ta try out, Colleen,” retorted the poodle. She held out her hand to Sarah, smiling, her impeccably groomed tail flickering. “Name’s Belle. You want work? You gotta pass mustah with our Directah of Employees. She’s a hard nut ta crack, y’know … jus’ a friendly warnin’.”

Sarah politely shook her head and moved forward, looking for the Priestess and her tiny furry partner.

A hand grabbed her and dragged her several feet backwards and to the right. As she felt herself spun around, her eyes rested on a slightly shorter female with light gray skin, short white hair, silver irises, and wearing nothing but a rigid black corset and black high-heeled boots. Her head tended to tilt to the side when she asked questions. “Are you seriously trying to impress me?” The gray-skinned humanoid gave Sarah the once over. “Average build, rough palms,” she said as she sniffed and gasped, “and the scent of Scarran all over you. You a spy or something? You come to break up our gig here?”

Sarah backed up a step. “My master Scorpius bid me find the Delvian Priestess and her partner. I saw them come this way.”

The woman laughed. “That little rodent’s the Priestess’ ‘partner’? Kinky!”

Sarah sighed and looked away. “Do you know where they are or not? If this is all the help you’re going to be, you can just leave.”

The woman waved her hand dismissively. “Don’t act like such a frelling dridgenauht, baby cakes. They’re in a booth in the back, sipping water under a solar lamp. I guess you’re the one they were talking about. C’mon, I’ll take ya there myself.”

Sarah sat down at the booth where Zhaan and Mokey were sitting patiently. All around them were passionate sounds blaring through the thin walls, but they seemed to be oblivious to them. Sarah nodded. “Priestesses … Scorpius bids me to join your group. However, I am not to enter that tunnel until he gives his permission.”

Zhaan nodded. “We bid you welcome, Sarah, consort of Scorpius.”

“I’m not --.”

Zhaan raised a hand calmly to silence her. “We are not here to discuss your love life. We are here to provide you an opportunity to become one with the Goddess.”

“I heard she died,” Sarah replied bitterly under her breath.

Zhaan frowned. “Your hearing is quite remarkable … as is mine,” she serenely shot back. “The visions we have obtained from the Goddess suggests you are key to a certain cave deep within that tunnel. Whilst in Unity, I discovered a prophecy. ‘When single shines the triple sun, what was sundered and undone, shall be whole, the two made one.’ I believe that three must join in Unity in that cave in order to unlock the secrets of the universe. While we are still trying to determine the reasoning, I believe that we represent three concepts. Mokey symbolizes life underground: sheltered, protected from the chaos of life aboveground. I symbolize the stars. I fill with exuberance in the sun’s rays and come from far in the cosmic distance. You, Sarah … you represent life between the extremes. You are the anchor that connects the below from the above.”

Sarah wanted to get to the point. “What secrets do you require? What good are they?”

Mokey sighed, gently placing a hand on Sarah’s. “We want a Dream to hold onto, a Dream to live by.”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Woot! New chapter...

Knew Digit would appear eventually, he's getting in some good appearances in fics lately.
Yep... Those are Scorpius's methods of dealing with nuisances all right. At least, until he became a nuisance to Commander Grayson in Season 4.
Oh, Colleen Yu and Miss Belle from Dog City? Didn't see that coming. Thought the collie was Maggie—borrowed with permission from GelflingGirl since she was a previous tennant at HV—and the poodle was Foo-Foo, but I was wrong, and the whole scene was great.
The gray-skinned woman... That has to be Jiana right?
And the prophecy from Dark Crystal... Interesting interpretation of it by Zhaan... But why am I thinking that the unity of three in one location means something else?
*Clams up and waits for the next part to be posted.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Well, I've wanted to include Digit, even before Cait started reposting ARH, LOL. Besides, I still get a kick out of making the guy twitch, LOL.

I recently found Dog City on Netflix, hence the add to this story. And yeah, it's Chiana. It'd be funny if their place was called the Doghouse like in the special. It'd make "sleeping in the doghouse tonight" a much more hilarious figure of speech. :smile:

Don't want to spoil much, but I'm not done twisting this prophecy for all it's worth ...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Chapter 14

Aeryn stared at the opening of the tunnel, a gaping hole, a blight on an otherwise unremarkable hillside, as she prepared to enter along with the mining crew. The massive evaporating clouds of steam made the day even more humid and miserable than it was before.

Exactly what was her problem? She was an esteemed Peacekeeper. Worlds were only objects. After all, Sebaceans tended to live out their lives from the solar day they were born, on spaceships. It was almost blasphemy for a Sebacean to have a “home”. The entire universe was their home. Worlds were just things that got in the way of the next plotted course.

Still, staring at this hole, with steaming spikes of ice forming glittering teeth around a gaping maw, she felt … sad. Her heart ached, as though she were trespassing on sacred territory … and she felt unworthy.

Digit, his goatee sparking and causing his cheeks to twitch uncontrollably, walked up to her. “Captain Sun, we shall be inside within the arn.” He looked around.

Aeryn smiled. “Scorpius is very busy. He had things to attend to.”

Digit sighed with relief, happy that the Peacekeeper was so intuitive so that he didn’t have to mention that monster’s name. “May I be blunt, Captain?”

Aeryn nodded. “I appreciate frank appraisals of mission objectives, Digit.”

Digit stared at the tunnel. “I’m picking up some weird images from inside. To be perfectly honest, I truly and sincerely and profoundly don’t want to go in there.”

Aeryn stared at him in confusion. “What do you mean, ‘images’? There were no signs of soil manipulation. Peacekeepers will be the first within this tunnel. There shouldn’t be any signs of inhabitation.

Digit nodded. “Fraggles used to live underground.”

“But they don’t anymore,” Aeryn pointed out. “They left when the ‘Rock’ as they called it became uninhabitable.”

Digit fidgeted, his lab coat twisting in his fingers. “So, what does he want, then?”

Aeryn looked away, in the direction Scorpius left to avoid the heat. “I don’t know. Scorpius is like a scavenger … even when all is lost, he survives on whatever bones are left.”


Meanwhile, in a tremendously large, dark cave surrounded by numerous tunnels and a huge pile of rocks from a long-ago cave-in, breaking apart several rock arches that used to exist around a central pool of glistening water, Jareth watched as Mizumi sat on one of the boulders. She held a small pebble, as yellow as the yolk of an egg, in her dainty white hands, rolling it over and over again in her fingers.

Her voice was subdued, her eyes glued to the pebble. “Have you ever felt the hand of destiny, Jareth?” She continued when she received no answer. “For all our powers, we could be as deities as simply as Eshe.” She chuckled. “And to think that little harlot wasn’t even born that way!”

Jareth sat down on a broken piece of a long-ago arch. “Why must you be worshipped, Mizumi?” he asked in an equally subdued tone.

Mizumi shrugged. “What is the point of hiding power?”

“I didn’t know worship and adulation were synonymous with power.”

Mizumi threw the pebble at him. “Don’t be so mockingly humble, Jareth!” she hissed. “You are hubris personified!”

Jareth smirked ever so slightly. “Am I?”

Mizumi stood, defiantly. “Yes, yes you are. You are Jareth, Lord of the Universe, Maker of Dreams, Pathmaker, yea, even the Hand of Destiny itself. You sculpt reality to your wishes. You are never satisfied. You are always remaking the landscape of space and time.” She inhaled deeply. “Yet no matter what you are, where you are, or who you are … you shall always be the self-same hypocrite, daring to call me shallow and ambitious.”

Jareth rolled his eyes. “How can the champion desire to cross the finish line? Have they not, by virtue of their label, clearly crossed it already?”

Mizumi snorted and huffed, her hair bristling.

And yet she had no reply.


Aeryn clicked off the monitor. Scorpius was aware that the mission was about to begin. She glanced at Digit and nodded. Digit nodded back and left the area.

Soon, though, he was back with Sarah, Mokey, and Zhaan.

Sarah glanced around nervously.

Mokey hung onto Zhaan’s simple blue robe as a child would a parent’s leg, her tail drooping.

Zhaan glanced at Digit and then back at Aeryn. “Are you certain?”

Aeryn smiled. “Scorpius isn’t the only one used to manipulating pawns, Priestess. Let’s just say I’m joining the game. We wouldn’t want our lord and master to get hit by a falling rock because there wasn’t an advance party to scout out the area, now would we?”

Digit cringed, holding his face in his hands. “The encryption … it’s so … intense.”

Aeryn nodded, her voice gentle. “Keep it up, Digit.”

Zhaan came closer to Captain Sun, whispering. “I don’t understand.”

“Scorpius,” Aeryn replied quietly, “is always watching … even when he isn’t. Let’s just say he has eyes in other heads.” She glanced at the Delvian. “Digit can only manipulate what Scorpius sees briefly. If you’re going, you’ll have to do so now.”

Zhaan took Aeryn’s hand and kissed it reverently. She stood erect and motioned for the other two to join her.

A brown-haired human male appeared in a blue jumpsuit. He nodded toward the members of the Seek as they disappeared into the dark opening. “I didn’t realize they had clearance yet. That was quick.”

“Yes, John,” Aeryn replied. “Inform Scorpius the advance scouts have entered the tunnel. We are ready to proceed at his convenience.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Chapter 15

Scorpius sauntered down to the entrance of the tunnel. Beside him an elderly furry creature with white hair huffed and puffed to keep up. Scorpius surveyed the busy scene, a scowl forming on his blistered lips. “Are you quite certain you remember the layout of this subterranean farce?” he asked the creature without looking at him.

The creature nodded. His voice was old, but there were signs an age-old confidence was beginning to waiver. “I … I … could walk the tunnels blindfolded and backwards.”

Scorpius smiled. “Excellent.” He snapped his fingers and Digit walked up to him, the sweat carrying bright electrical arcs down his cheeks and across his chest and onto the ground below. “Digit, why is the exploratory group in the tunnel? Where is Sarah?”

Digit gulped. “I d-d-don’t know, sir. Captain Sun gave the order for the mission to proceed. She said everything was under control.”

Scorpius glanced at him with some bemusement. “Did she, now? Strange … I hadn’t heard. Digit … be so kind as to take Matthew here with you and locate Captain Sun. I wish to have words with her, if you don’t mind.” He unceremoniously turned and walked away.

Digit glanced at Matthew. “You’re a Fraggle?”

Matthew nodded. “Indeed, good sir.” He cleared his throat and stared at the wires draped across Digit’s shoulder. “You are a ‘sir’, aren’t you? With Peacekeeper newfangled filly-fallies, I’m afraid I sometimes have trouble telling the difference ….”

Digit coughed. “I’m alive, Matt, I assure you. You don’t look old enough to know anything of the Rock. Where is the World’s Oldest Fraggle?”

Matthew snorted haughtily. “Dear boy, I’m insulted! The tales of Fraggle Rock are indeed older than even the World’s Oldest. Of course he, on the other hand, never went back.”

Digit stared at him in surprise. “You’ve been down in the Rock recently?”

“’Recent’ is a relative term, but yes,” the elderly Fraggle replied, “I have been back in the old homeland,” he paused, stifling a sob, “ever since,” he managed to utter, “General Red … made the outer world … so profoundly saddening for an old Fraggle.”


Mizumi stared at a small pool of water, barely enough to put her hands inside. The image of multiple beings walking through the tunnels with large rolling crates and other equipment following them surprised her.

Jareth peeked over her shoulder and shrugged. “The ‘Hand of Destiny’, perhaps?”

Mizumi stared at the pool. They had breached her icy barrier.

“What is it that you want, Mizumi?” Jareth asked her, sitting back down, tapping a dry branch on the ground. “Why did you let them in?”

Mizumi stared up at the three-story hut.

Taminella, the hunchbacked elderly sorceress, elbowed her in the side. “Ain’t so easy, is it?” she cackled. “Bet ya a shiny blue rock ya can’t get inside.” She pointed at the door handle, which was at least as high as two Mizumi’s standing one on top of the other.

The blue furry monster with the bright red lips sighed, shaking his head. “I would not enter that door, if I were you. She will be very upset. She does not accept visitors much now.”

Mizumi inhaled, closing her eyes. A waterspout formed in front of her. “She will accept me.”

The waterspout burst open the tall door. Mizumi marched inside. “Inhabitant, come to my aid! I desire a conver --.” She gasped as a pan the size of a large sundial flew past her, nearly taking her head off. Mizumi glanced in the direction from whence it came and noted filthy rags.

She realized she was merely looking at the being’s legs. Looking up, she saw that the creature was a tall, a VERY tall, female with frazzled blonde hair and an upturned, though slightly to the side as though it were broken long ago, nose. Her skin was lavender, but her complexion uneven.

“GO AWAY!” she screamed, tears the size of goblets splattering onto the floor. “LEAVE ME ALONE!”

Mizumi sighed, glancing at Jareth as they stood in the large cavern. “I don’t know why I did it, my love,” she noted quietly.


Digit groaned as he and Matthew neared the din of the exploratory party.

“Are you well?” Matt asked Digit.

Digit shook his head. He rubbed his temples, so much so the skin was becoming raw.

The overweight green-skinned male with squinty eyes casually peered at the instruments as Digit lay on the table.

“Father,” Digit pleaded, “don’t do this.”

The male frowned briefly, but shook his head. “Peacekeeper technology is absolutely FASCINATING, don’t you agree? It’s such a shame that the promising citizens of this world, a world where their species ORIGINATED, are denied access to scientific progress.” He paused as he held up a drill. “It almost makes you wonder what it would take to get their attention, son.” He turned toward the restrained boy, revving the drill. “This will be ABSOLUTELY safe, I assure you.”


John shook his head.

Aeryn stopped walking and stared at him. “You okay?”

John blinked several times. He stared at his hand. “How many of these do I have?”

Aeryn frowned. “Could there be poisonous gases trapped in here, John?”

John chuckled. “You really think I’m in a … whoa,” he said as he sat down, dizzy, “in a position to tell you?”

John stood there, a bag of drying vegetables in his weary hands. The golden sun at his back, he stared at the burning house, the smoking corpses twisted and gnarled mockeries of family. John sat down. He turned his head, desperate to look away. An elderly furry creature was sobbing some distance away, near the smoking remains of small huts. He was rocking back and forth. John could just make out an orange face with purple hair.

It was like everything was connected.

He just didn’t know why.


Mizumi sat on a box atop a high table, watching as the gigantic female sobbed.

“Things … things were never the same,” the female bawled. “They broke our gate. All we wanted was to have a safe place, where monst – I can’t even say such a vile word, where the unwanted creatures of this world could live in whatever might count as perfect harmony in this day and age.”

Mizumi formed a goblet out of thin air. It had been so long since she felt the joy of manipulating reality in such a way. “My apologies, milady. I take it the Sebaceans took much from you?”

The female sniffled and nodded, staring at the floor. “My husband … my hus … my husband was so angry. He refused to be enslaved, he said, by a bunch of silly little creatures knee-high to a Gorg. He grabbed his father’s hole-digger and marched with our only son toward a group of metal machines, rolling down the valley, ripping apart huge swaths of vegetation. Even Gorgs would have to spend days just to destroy as much.” She broke down, her face buried in her hands.

Mizumi heard the exploratory party as the heavy wheels and tracks barreled through the tunnels, echoing and sounding far more numerous than they really were.

She stared at the small pool, her face filled with a grim determination. Finally, after several moments, realizing the Peacekeepers would be in such a great hall soon, she turned toward Jareth. “My love, my only true joy … your shattered dreams are an unending nightmare to me.” She quietly walked up to him, smiling, caressing his confused visage. “My lord and master, unending sunshine over my sparkling pool … I find it time to wake.” She took a sharp flint from the floor by levitating it and sliced her neck.

She fell into her lover’s arms, smiling peacefully as water vapor rushed out of her body, spreading throughout every tunnel, forcing whatever lifeforms were inside to nearly choke and faint.


Sarah coughed as they entered the small cave. “Something’s wrong.”

Zhaan frowned, for she had to bend low to enter such a small area. “Why can’t sacred spaces be more accessible?” she wondered. “Why must everything always be so difficult?”

Mokey looked around as she entered the cave, getting to the center ahead of Sarah and Zhaan. She held her brush close to her chest. “This is it.” She turned and held out her hands. “I don’t know why, but take my hands, each of you. We have to see.”


Digit started to jerk uncontrollably as the fog or whatever it was rolled into the tunnel where he and Matt were walking.

Matthew Fraggle took off his shirt and daubed it against Digit’s skin. “You don’t much like water, do you, boy?”

Digit could barely respond. His eyes rolled back. His body shook ever more violently.

Matthew jumped back as the entire tunnel shook. Rocks started to fall everywhere. Instinctively, he jumped onto Digit’s body, barely able to restrain the much larger being.

Also, the constant feeling of being shocked was downright annoying.

However, he couldn’t see yet another young male die.


Scorpius took his finger off the button as the smoke roiled through the camp. He glanced around the stunned crew still outside the tunnel. Smiling, he noted cheerfully, “I’m afraid this part of the mission is over. Thank you for your assistance. Take the rest of the day off. You’ve earned a respite from this awfully hot day.”

He walked away as the nervous crew hurriedly abandoned the area.

It was such a pity.

Aeryn Sun had had such potential.