Master Replicas Gonzo Photo Puppet

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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I remember when alot of the Trek fans where upset at MR about the enterprise ship that kept falling apart. It was not one of the best MR items ever made. Customers where having trouble with the lights not working and how it was just was a sloppy mess on design. People where returning them like crazy. This goes to show you that even though this was the worst thing made by MR that did not stop making Star Trek stuff. They still have the license and are making more stuff for this year. This could go for Gonzo as well, you never know. Just cause there is one bad apple, does not ruin it for the next stuff down the line. Now if it continued to producing bad product, I am sure they would have stopped long time ago. I have been with MR for 6+ years and I have seen things come and go. But I am sure hoping that Gonzo will turn out just fine. Keeping in mind that he is not going to be perfect, nothing really is anywaysl , and will continue to look forward to Fozzie this year!


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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I hope that Fozzie gets recreated successfully in China. Half of the fun tho is seeing the preorder go up and how different the final product looks once you have it in your home.

Was Once Ernie

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Jun 16, 2005
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The pre-order is there for anyone who has trust in a company or product and wishes to order it as soon as they possibly can.
But with Kermit and Animal the last prototypes we saw were very close. Animal's nose was still too small, but we were told it would be bigger on the production model.

With Gonzo, we've been told they've "gone back to the drawing board", but there's been no explanation of what that means or what any of the solutions were. We already know that most people here don't like the sock nose. I wouldn't put blind faith in them when there's been so little communication. Even if they had explained their solution without pictures, it might instill more confidence. I think they've lost a lot of pre-orders by not being more forthcoming.



Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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True but I can't imagine, even with them going back to the drawing board, that he will be very different to what we see in the current MR photos. He is, after all, Gonzo. While the photos may not be 100% accurate, except for the nose problem, everything else looks pretty good in my opinion.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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With Gonzo, we've been told they've "gone back to the drawing board", but there's been no explanation of what that means or what any of the solutions were. We already know that most people here don't like the sock nose. I wouldn't put blind faith in them when there's been so little communication. Even if they had explained their solution without pictures, it might instill more confidence. I think they've lost a lot of pre-orders by not being more forthcoming. :stick_out_tongue:
That's the question isn't it? What was done to Gonzo and exactly when was it done?

I have a feeling that changes were made to the nose sock after the letters were sent. It might not have changed because of them, but I do think (and hope) some action was taken. Right now I think MR is more concerned with orders than pre-orders. I also think Gonzo will be the most expensive replica they'll make because of the many alterations. That's probably why his price went up to $299 from its original SRP and why the edition number also increased. I think it's a strategy to recoup costs. One thing is for certain - they want to sell Gonzo. Maybe that's part of why there's this long build-up and waiting.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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I remember when Animal was up for preorder and no one wanted him due to his protoype pictures. Maybe it will be like that with Gonzo and all be suprised! :concern:


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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Isn't it funny how the Gonzo smilie on here means "concern". Kinda ironic really.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2006
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Well as I see it, like many I won't pre-order until I see a proper final picture however that doesn't stop the keen anticipation I have over him. I didn't get Kermit or Animal until well after Animal was released but that was only until I was certain I wanted them both and saw the pictures. They are both fantastic and I'm treating Gonzo the same. I think it's just a nose and suit colour question really. For me anyway!


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Well as I see it, like many I won't pre-order until I see a proper final picture however that doesn't stop the keen anticipation I have over him. I didn't get Kermit or Animal until well after Animal was released but that was only until I was certain I wanted them both and saw the pictures. They are both fantastic and I'm treating Gonzo the same. I think it's just a nose and suit colour question really. For me anyway!
I know they're going with a brighter, pinkish-purple suit color as pictured on their site (rather than the Convention photos). There are many theories on why that is, but official word is that it's closer than the Disney provided PMS suit color and also makes the classic suit more modern and vibrant. I still think they should have gone with a more subdued purple.

The nose is still anyone's guess right now.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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The truth here is I don't think any of you are going to see any updated pictures from MR, even if they do say it. The only pictures you are going to see is from the fans here who was actually brave enough to preorder him. I was just on another website that was selling something else up for preorder that was not Muppet related and it also said protoype shown.
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