Its these remarks that MR will use as a free license to not care. Despite all of the flaws, people will buy it anyways because "eh, its better than anything else" .
I've got $200 waiting for MR to earn it. They haven't yet. Not on Gonzo.
Scott foam is the answer. Make it right, or don't make it. Under UV protected glass it will last longer than I will. Most of the people complaining that it will degrade have probably never even owned a scott foam puppet.
Under constant use under stage lighting, the high stress areas will wear out in 6 months. Kept out of UV light, in a protected environment, there are no worries. PLUS I'll throw this out. Yes $200 is a lot of money, but not really. Not when you'll spend that on an ipod that won't last 5 years. Not when most of us would pay 20X that amount for a degraded, used, busted, real gonzo. If its made of scott foam, and I get 15 years of happiness looking at it, fantastic. If it looks like crap and lasts forever, who cares.
BUT I will say that all of our comments are a waste, because what we've seen is just a mock up from what I can tell. It's the same poser that was shown at Comic Con, with some cheap photoshopping.
I hate being such a downer on here. It just drives me crazy because I love gonzo, but I'm not such a blind cheerleader that I will support a subpar product. MR is clearly about to enter some shakey ground with the lack of a Star Wars license. They should be going over the top to create the best for us, so that we can help to carry their jobs into the future.
Here's hoping for fozzie.