Males, rally with me---don't shower!!

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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No, no no!! Not cause o' any "stinkiness" you think I may have!


February and March are low periods at our workplace, and we've gotten out early a LOTTA nights the last couple o' monfs!


We have!



Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Fozzie Bear
I've quit bathing. Their study is a lie. It doesn't work.

Women still slap me for groping them.
haha....poor you


Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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hmmm....i got an idea.....

Zack takes a plane to Californa, then rides on a jet ski to Hawaii...*breathing heavliy*..."why didn't i just take the plane directly to here!?!!"

*climes up the largest volcano*

"Boy! It's hot up here!"

*gets to the top*

"And now for thee coopdegracey!!....or should i say degreasy?

*chuckles, then throws 30000000000000000000000 tons of TNT and biodgreatable soap in to the volcano*

" what??? i carried it all in my back pack":smile:

whoops gotta go!!! * runs...slips and tumbles down the side of the volcano"OUCH!":eek: then runs to and jumps on jet ski*

*looks at watch* 30 seconds to cleaning up the USA! Yikes!and i gotta get to the Hover Dam in less then that! but how?!! ehh, l'll just skip to that sceen....

*now at the Hover Dam and opens up the dam*,"i know a friend who works here...okay not really, but it just part of the story..."

"Hahahahah! water! water! water!!! Ahahahaha!"
*water begings to bust out on to the town* then looks at watch.." 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1!!!!!

* volcano blows hot biodegreatable soap in to the air lifting the whole island then slamming down creating the largest title way in the world!!!* soap lands into the water that was released from the Hover Dam and makes like a blanket over the whole US "of" A! then the gigantic titile way washes it all away covering every inch of all 50 states...and canada gets a little wet too...*

perhaps i went to far...BUT BRYON will be CLEAN for sure!!!!! or should i say fer sure? hahahahaha!!!!:crazy: Now how do i get home???

HEY! are your computers working guys? mine's not, can you all read this? i can't! HEY the phone and TV don't work either!!!! whats going on?!!?...ehh, must of forgot to pay the bill.... :rolleyes:

Zack)Rowlf the...I saw it in a cartoon once....just changed a few things around a bit,:wink: Dog.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Zack just told us how he spent HIS summer vacation!! LOL!!

I'm still dirty.

I smell funny. Not bad, just funny. After all, I do have the screenname Fozzie Bear.:embarrassed:

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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and did you by any chance see Tiny Toons How I spent my Summer Vacation?
No...i have know idea what you guys are talking about?? :confused:

All I know is that i'll be grounded for a month and no chocolate pudding!!:frown: ...and i won't be able to talk to you guys for a while too... my mom just handed me a i have a lot of mopping to do...:sympathy:

this wasn't part of the plan....:mad:

Zack) Rowlf the, i'm a grown dog, i don't get grounded, as a matter of fact i don't think i've ever been locked up in the kennel before,Dog. :wink:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Well, one should be grounded for blowing up a volcano and filling the country with soapy water.

Get to moppin' boy!!