Nice point, Foz.
I've never had looooooong hair, but it does get pretty bad if it's not cut all the time. Right now my hair looks like if Richard Hunt were to put gel in his hair (Richard Hunt a few years before his death, that is) I have pretty curly hair, not as curly. At least I'm not balding.
Nah, bald's cool. My best friend is getting there. Not totally, but he's got quite the recieting hair line. I keep telling him to just shave it all off! He's my right hand man!
(quite literally so. He plays my one character's right hand.
It's good to have the guy doing the right hand of your character to be a really close friend. After long hours in the sun (or freezing cold) you need a good friend! Plus, I'm sure he doesn't apreciate having a smelly armpit stuck in his face all day!!!!