In season 1 when Fozzie was in prototype form,he was a slightly different character towards Kermit.In fact he wasn't very nice to Kermit.Especially in the episode that guest starred Candice Bergen,where he pulled some rather mean practical jokes on him.Ever since season 2 Kermit and Fozzie have famously been best friends.Fozzie thinks the world of Kermit and declares him his inspiration.
Many times throughout the first four seasons,Miss Piggy gave Kermit such a hard time.She was quite a bully in general,not just to Kermit.But the only real torment he recieved from her in season 5 was during the episode that guest starred Linda Ronstadt when she locked him in a trunk.I used to assume this was because he fired her in the episode guest starring Loretta Swit.Apparently however,according to the production order,Loretta Swit was the second episode of season 5.Linda Ronstadt was the second to last one.But Loretta Swit always aired two episodes after Linda Ronstadt.And during the episodes that aired after Loretta Swit she left him alone.(Except for the episode guest starring Senor Wences where he got a "HYAAH" from her.)They seemed to tone her down the rest of that season.
I don't know if anyone else noticed this.But the episode where guest star Tony Randall accidently turns Miss Piggy into stone and the aforementioned episode where Kermit gets locked in a trunk appear to share a simular pattern.Even though the circumstances are totally different.(Plus the turning to stone was accidental,where the trunk locking was done on purpose.)
Tony Randall:
During Pigs In Space,Hogthrob and Strangepork manage to turn Miss Piggy back to normal.But when she makes all kinds of violent threats towards them,they turn her back into stone.Then during the closing goodnights,Tony Randall accidently turns Kermit into stone.
Linda Ronstadt:
At one point,Kermit is breifly released from the trunk by Linda Ronstadt herself.But when she leaves the area after crooning"I've Got A Crush On You",Miss Piggy locks Kermit back in the trunk.Then during the closing goodnights Miss Piggy is locked in the trunk.
(Plus Linda Ronstadt always aired right after Tony Randall.)
Toward the end of Jean Stapleton's episode,she seems to sound more like her famous "Edith Bunker" character.
Episodes guest starring Roger Miller,where everyone turns into chickens,Cloris Leachman,where pigs take over the show(with a Kermit The Pig,Fozzie Pig and Swedish Pig)and Mac Davis,where Beeker accidently gets duplicated a dozen times from a machine Bunson invented,all share the same basic idea.
Roger Miller

uring the closing credits The Electric Mayhem Band and Rolwf are replaced by chickens in the orchestra pit.
Cloris Leachman:They're replaced by pigs.
Mac Davis:They're replaced by the Beeker clones.