muppets at Universal?
Ohh! A Muppet Ride at Universal?!? What a BEAUTIFUL idea!
I have season passes to WDW so I'm there probably once every 6 weeks. I enjoy it a great deal, but its not a place for the Muppets.
I'm not terribly excited about the possibility of Disney owning the Muppets because they don't seem to have a clue what to do with them. And even tho Muppets3d is at MGM I don't go to that park. (Yeah, call me a blashpemer if you want.)
The reason is that the only things there that don't absolutely SUCK are 1 simulator ride, Muppets3d and Fantasmic. 3 things aren't enough to get me in the park.
I'm worried that if the Mouse did a new Muppets ride it would be like the Pooh or Aladdin rides they put in recently; a lame rehashing of old ideas. The Pooh one is just like Mr Toad's Wild Ride which it replaced, and Aladdin is just another Dumbo. The only things they added to Aladdin were the spitting camels, like the spitting fish at Universal's Seuss Island.
Now Seuss island is ASTOUNDING! I'm a Seuss freak too, so I'm am biased, but they manged to create the feeling entering the World of Seuss, not just a single ride. It is absolutely magical there! It was so convincing that they sucked me completly into it, even though I'm an actor and one of my old boyfriends was doing the live show. (That was VERY surreal - trust me.)
Anyway, if we're talking themeparks, Universal would be far better . They don't kiddify everything, and the ability of the Muppets to speak to all age levels is what keeps them going. I can watch the old Muppet shows 1000 times with my kid, but if I have to see !@*#&)ing Atlantis one more time I'm going to throw out my DVD player. (To all Atlantis fans, I did like it the first 20 times.)
So, I'm not supportive of the Disney buy, but I'm not really thrilled about anybody else, either. I hope that if Fox gets it that they will do some exciting programming with it, though.
Maybe a Survivor-like show where humans and Muppets have to live together on tropical islands... I know we'd all audition for it! Maybe an island with The Electric Mayhem, Clifford and Bobo? They'd all just be too relaxed to vote anybody off...I can visualize Andy and Randy Pig being voted as dinner. Maybe Pepe would pose for the camera in a thong bikini?
ok, now I'm creeping myself out