Okay, folks, here we are, so bear with me...

walks in, Whatcha doing?
Oh hey Fozzie... Just sitting down to review some of the latest chapters of Ru's Kermie's Girl.
Fozzie: Oh... Can I stay?
Sure, just get comfortable and we'll start.
Chapter 78: Goodbyes and Bargains.
Posted by Cat: "She sighed, wiping her hands on her apron and turning. "Wah!" she cried, both hands flying to her face. "FortheloveofPete, Mr. Strathers—you nearly gave me a heart attack." Seymour Strathers smiled, only somewhat apologetically."
Fozzie: Oh, so the cry of "Wah!" was because Mabel got surprised by Mr. Strathers.
Yeah, I just got that now too.
Fozzie: I'll miss Mabel. She helped me fend off those hecklers by working on my A-material.
Posted by Ernie, or is that Erine: "They had a good time," she said thoughtfully. "I know they make movies now, but I think they liked doing the show here a lot."
Fozzie: We sure did... Have a good time, that is.
Posted by Ruge: "Color flooded her employer's cheeks and he turned to her, his eyes bright with hope. "Really? You think she'd—um, they'd come back again? Even with the problems with security?"
Hmmm... Did I detect a miniscule slip there Seymour? Fleet's assesment might be money after all.
Posted by Roux: "That chef of theirs don't half feed them."
Fozzie: Which one, Chef or Angelo?
Whichever one's doing the cooking that night.
Posted by I'm full of homonyms today: "Unless, of course, something changes."
*Fozzie wide-eyed: Wha-ha?!
*Cue spooky organ music.
Posted by Well, you try coming up with witty little nicknames for each quotation: "Oh—you think I'm that easy?" she said, hands on her hips. "You think I'd just waltz out of town with any Tom, Dick or Pepe what asked me?"
Fozzie: So that's what Pepe was doing.
Him and Rizzo and Clifford and everyone else she won over with her personality. (And her cooking too.)
Posted by and her stories make us all hungry, for updates: "But Mabel just laughed, and linked her short arms through two of theirs. "I'm just teasing boy," she said dryly. "Come on back to my kitchen and I'll make some jelly biscuits."
Fozzie: Jelly biscuits?
They're kind of like doughnuts, but crisper and flakier.
Fozzie: Mmm, I could sure go for some now.
Didn't have breakfast?
Fozzie: Nooo...
Then go over to Jim's Coffee House and get some.
Fozzie: You sure?
Yeah, now c'mon, get some stuffing for that rumbly tummy of yours.
Fozzie: You want anyt, jelly doughnuts I mean?
Ask if they've got Boston screams, I prefer those better.
*The bear scurries off after the chuckle at the pun.
Posted by Welcome back to the fic: "I guess I dozed off," he mumbled. "You were snoring," Robin in formed him gleefully. Mortified, Kermit looked around, but he and Piggy and Robin were dead center of the little knot of performers, all of whom seemed not to care whether or not he had been sawing logs. "I…er, recirculated air makes my throat dry," he muttered, but the truth of the matter was he felt rested and refreshed."
Nice save Kerm. Too bad noone's buying.
Posted by We hope you enjoy the story: "Nope," she said firmly. "Moi is not surrendering you to the mundane yet." She started toward the stairs. "Moi is going to put on a bathing suit, and you—" She pointed at Kermit. "And you—" She pointed at Robin. "Are going to meet me in the pool in five minutes." She smiled smugly, knowing that two frogs recently returned from Las Vegas would long for water, and plenty of it.
Posted by And come back to read more soon: "Whoopee!" cried Robin, dropping everything and running for the pool. And though Kermit was a little more dignified, he was right behind him.
Love that sort of childish joy of Robin's. And Kermit's grown-up compliance helps belie his own smile, and ours at feeling that way sometimes.
Posted by Sleepy Jean: "When you are a child and come back to school in the fall after summer break, there is the indignant feeling that you have not really been gone at all—that summer was simply a longer-than-normal daydream and that you have been sitting in the same small desk for most of your life. That happens to adults, too, and frogs, and pigs and rats and bears and whatever."
And here's another of those occasional picture-postcard example of the lovely narration that has come to tint this as one of the major Muppet fics at the forum.
Posted by Lights,: "Movies are not shot chronologically. The demands of location, technical issues and talent availability sometimes means that the ending is shot before the beginning, the middle is shot piecemeal and the close-ups and reshoots are all done at once. It takes a lot of concentration to keep it all straight in your head so that continuity remains undisturbed. Hair that is one length in one shot shouldn't be longer or shorter in the next shot. Clothes and makeup should not change without warning, and live sets are sacrosanct. Kermit had arrived before anyone that morning, and by the time Scooter got there with two huge cups of java, had watched some thirty-five different scenes to remind himself of what his notes had meant. He and Scooter had gone over the new notes and mapped out a plan of action—all this in addition to the scenes that were scheduled to be shot today."
Now if only more people in the biz realized this, maybe we'd end up with better choices at the box office than just a couple that generate interest for small fan groups. Not that there's nothing wrong with those occasional movies, heck, I'm sooo looking forward to Deathly Hallows Part 2. But there are things that make me question their decision to be so completist with these last two films for the fan community versus decisions in the other HP movies.
Posted by Camera,"While he was sulking a little about the calendar, his phone rang, and he pulled it out and looked at it in surprise. It was Marty. For a moment, hope surged in Kermit's chest. Perhaps Marty was having an attack of conscience, and wanted to ask Kermit what he thought about Piggy doing the calendar, but Kermit's common sense kicked in almost immediately. Marty was Piggy's agent, and he neither asked for nor needed Kermit's permission to do anything."
Another neat little snipet... This shows how Kermit's green-eyed monster can be abated with some calmer thinking the second after the first thought rears it's ugly head.
Posted by Action!: "Hey Marty—this is Kermit." "Still trying to figure out the new phone?" Marty asked, by way of greeting, and Kermit flushed. "Yep," he said dryly, and decided to return friendly fire. "Did you call me to talk about the bikini calendar?" Marty laughed, and Kermit indulged in a split-second fume. "So she told you about that—finally. I was wondering when she’d fess up." "Last night," Kermit said, and grinned. It was impossible not to grin when he remembered how…earnest her attempts had been to placate him. "If you're calling to ask me what I think about it—" "Look," said Marty, suddenly serious. "We need to talk, you and me." "You and me and Piggy?" Kermit asked, bewildered now, and worried. "Or just you and me?" "Just you and me Kermit. I—" "Another story?" Kermit gritted. He found he was grinding his hard palate. "What? No. Oh—no. Nothing like that." "Oh." Surprise seemed to have made him mute. He couldn't think of what to say. "No story," Marty said. "Just…something I want to talk to you about. Can you get away, say, tomorrow afternoon?" "We're filming all day tomorrow. I really can't leave, but…I could come by after—around eight?" "Eight's good. Let's meet at my other office," Marty said, and Kermit knew that meant the bar around the corner. "Sure. Eight o'clock. Is—is everything okay, Marty? If I need to protect Piggy, it would help to know in advance. I don't mean to be a worrywart, but—" "No. Nothing like that." He heard Marty sigh. "Everything's okay, but I want we should talk—just you and me, okay Kermit?" "But nothing's wrong?" "No. Nothing's wrong Kermit. Frog Scout's honor. I'll see you tomorrow?" "I'll be there." Kermit stared at the little phone after the call went dead, lost in thought."
And here we have that proverbial leur waiting to trap its prey ever so neatly. Whatever could Marty have been calling about? Will Kermit have to protect Piggy, or himself from something troublesome? Will there be some other surprise in store for the Rainbow Productions power couple?
Sorry to leave on a cliffhanger, will come back to do the other chapters in due fashion... Very much liked Kermit's line about fending for himself while Piggy's away with friends, we sometimes end up dong just that when Mom's either running late or off on a meeting with her friends.
*Hangs "Back in 15 Minutes" sign, then goes to meet Fozzie for that Boston scream doughnut and a cup of hot choc.