Hmmm... Can you believe this fic will be 2 whole years old in a couple of weeks? Wow, they start out so full of promise... A new chapter every third post or so. And then... *Weeps lightly. They grow up with readers reading and reviewing and raving for more... And then come the muffins, oh, the muffins! Before you know it, a couple of friends make their way into the story itself without rully having been planned to. Or it takes a giant leap forwards or backwards or sideways—March, May, thunder, lightning, Count!—in original storyline. But there comes the time when the author comes back and dazzles us all with a magnificently monumental update, reassuring us that until the last credit has rolled the story is not over.
Here's hoping Ru can get back to posting more of her fabu fanfics, sharing the love here and on the rest of MC.