This show actually already started quite some time ago in Australia (It's an Australian/Canadian co production), so I was able to check out the first episode.
Proof no one bothered watching, Guy beco0mes Shezow because he was essentially screwing around his dead aunt's transformation ring, and it gets permanently affixed to him, and he can't get it off. He's kind of a wanna be alpha male kid, watches a clear parody of a certain stupid MTV stunt show (that's no longer relevant, though), and he doesn't so much like being turned into a girl so much as he likes being the superhero and barely tolerates having to dress up as a girl. And above all, he's clearly just cross dressing, not turning completely into a girl. Also his father is a cop that freaking hates Shezow, and his sister (who was there when he first transformed) is both loving seeing her brother forced to be a girl superhero and completely jealous because she wanted to take up the mantle... but again, couldn't because Guy was too busy acting like a jerk and accidentally activated it.
So basically, he's the victim of a clingy macguffin. Nothing sinister or mind warping about that.
It's a pretty good show, everything's clearly tongue in cheek. They use the suffix "she" to make a lot of purposely tortured puns. It's pretty obvious they're being sarcastic about it. There's a really annoyingly long eye catch. Hopefully the Hub will cut it for time.