But you know SOMEONE is gonna twist it so that it is about transgender issues, whether it be in protest or support, and still completely miss the point.
Like Ben Not so Sharp-iro?
Hey. Wasn't he the D-bag that wrote that book about how Sesame Street was an evil leftist brainwashing conspiracy because Elmo didn't profile Muslims when Hooper's Store burned down?

Pickin' on kid's shows to further a hateful agenda...mmmm mmm mmm...
I really don't like playing this card, but I have a grotesque hate of anyone that makes kids programming into demonic tools to further some jerk's pet projects. Left and right (you couldn't find a bigger opponent of Commercial Free Childhood than I). Kids don't get deep subversive messages in kid's shows. That's why writers hide as much stuff as they can in innuendo. So that people who are way too old to watch cartoons can keep watching cartoons. There are a LOT of things that I'm delightfully shocked to see get past the censors... Squidward's suicidal tendencies, the "Do not open until X-Mas" sign hanging off of Max's butt in a prison shower...
But then there's the subtext that
isn't there that hateful groups shoehorn in to keep their own brainwashing, fear and control. I can't wait for them to tear into this, and to their chagrin, having it be the most popular cartoon on television. Clearly this kid does
not like turning into a girl. He's going to be very disgusted at the very prospect at first. But the Media Watchdogs don't actually watch anything half the time. And the times they do, it becomes more popular
because of their 1600's era mindset.
And when this show does get popular because of that, I hope it sticks up like a big red middle finger to them to show how woefully irrelevant they are.