I know folks are gonna fuss at me...
But I STILL say I want JHC to get JHC back in their own grips again.
-I've seen Saban's work, and it doesn't work for me.
-Disney? Overkill on their sequels and use of their animated films into bad tv series and not enough focus on ORIGINAL works: ie, Tarzan and all those other films based on books. Again I ask, "What's wrong with Mickey, Donald, Goofy, et al?"
I don't see anything wrong with a few parodies/remakes of other tales, but not EVERY movie you make.
Honestly, I liked MCC and MTI, but I don't want to see anymore films made based on other works, as I like the original Muppet productions myself.
On another sentence, I would LOVE to see the JHC go back and look at the original TMS, original sketches on SS, and special 'guest' spots they did on other shows and STUDY THOSE WORKS. In my opinion, that is some of their best work, and by studying it, I think they can get back on track to where they need to be going.
Glad to see KPrell posting again. Good to hear a voice (or at least READ it). Reminds me of Muley having gone on RADIO and being asked, "Are you a democrat?" Muley: "No, but I have a demo-video--wanna show it?"