Jim Henson signed drawing EBAY auction


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2002
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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I would be very careful about bidding on an autographed item on e-Bay. I would estimate 75% or more are fake. And given the history and accusations about the gallery it was bought from I wouldn't touch it IMO. Unless you have an extra $195 to waste.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2002
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Um, yes! Couldn't agree more.

Thanks for the advise 'MuppetsRule', I just needed a second opinion.

I guess if it is too good to be true, it is!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Autographs "can" be a very big business, whereas for those of us who are Fans or collectors this is something different and Autograph dealers home in on this.

Back in 2006 time I bought a Michelle Pfeiffer picture off ebay which came with a certificate of authenticity and ever since then I've wondered if its the real deal.

In 2005 I'd gone to the premiere for Revenge of the Sith and managed to get George Lucas's Autograph and even though its not much to look at its still his signature, in 2010 I'd met a lot of people Angelina, Sylvester Stallone etc I know full well that he signed my Rambo and Rocky boxset but it doesnt show up well.

Last year I met Harrison Ford and the Autograph on my Indiana Jones Hat is one that he took time with whereas the one he Signed on my Indiana Jones DVD boxset is noticeably different.

The Autographs from George Lucas, Angelina Jolie and Harrison Ford are those that as a Fan I will forever cherish and unfortunately there are people who dont care about that side of things nor do they care about whomever the person is that they're getting an Autograph from they just care about making a quick buck or two hundred or so and with ebay this is the perfect place for those who ply their trade as dealers to work from.

I would (now) NEVER buy an Autograph off ebay, no matter what, if it was given with a certificate of authenticity or not.

But thats my opinion, in some cases the only way to get an Autograph is from a Trusted and Genuine collector.

As I mentioned with the Harrison Ford signature, theres some Autographs I have that do look slightly different, when I met Frank Oz his Autograph remained more or less the same, Steven Spielbergs Autograph on the same Indiana Jones Fedora that Harrison Ford Signed is noticeably different than the one on my E.T. DVD sleeve.

The thing is I know they're the real mccoy but sometimes, just sometimes there are items which we see that are not what they appear to be.

What I'm trying to say is, I wouldnt buy the Autograph if I were you because you know and I know that in the back of your mind you'd be thinking "Is this really Jims Autograph? Or is this - what everyone dreads to hear - a fake?"

Be cautious my Friend, be very cautious. Peace be with you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2002
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Thank you very much. I have decided not to place a bid!:attitude: