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Jareth's Summer Bash (Dorm fic)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Like I said, I trust you. Just hope there's no griffin to block the way we came. Then again, we could just jump on the rocketing Hand of Fate and have Digit reprogram it so we'll fly straight to the center. But that'd be cheating and Jareth would know. So, lead on...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Storyteller Fraggle pounded on the basement level’s bathroom door. “Erin! Come out this instant!”

“I’ll be right out!” yelled the reply. “I’m in the shower, for Heaven’s sake!”

Storyteller banged her head against the door out of frustration and sat down next to it, flinging her long graying pink hair out of her way. She adjusted her dark-rimmed glasses and smoothed out the wrinkles to her maroon robe, sighing. “Nearly a hundred years of lore … just … just … gone.”

A blood-curdling scream made Storyteller leap away from the door backwards, her face a pale yellow.

Erin dashed out of the bathroom so quickly Storyteller could barely see how she looked; only that she was in nothing but a towel, dripping all over the hallway.

Raspy giggling came from the bathroom. About twenty strangely armored creatures ran out, laughing. Some were snorting shampoo in one nostril and blowing bubbles out the other. Some were whipping each other with rolled up towels. Some were, well, Storyteller wasn’t quite sure what they were up to and she wasn’t about to find out. She hastened to Erin’s room.

Before she reached it, however, Beige and Lindbergh came running towards her. “We’re under attack!” they cried.

“Tell me about it!” she replied. She stopped and slipped behind them, pointing at the creatures skittering out of the bathroom. “Those creatures – what are they?”

Beige blinked. “You’re the Storyteller! Don’t you know?”

A small goblin chuckled and ran up to them and turned around. He slipped down his pants, revealing a scaly small tail pressed against slimy buttocks.

The trio of Dorm residents stuck out their tongue and shielded their eyes.

Soon, loud shrieking could be heard all over the dorms.

Lindbergh looked around. “Where are they all coming from?”


Pearl sighed. All around them were dark trees. Hardly any sunlight filtered through the tops at all. Glittery lights pulsated every now and again on the bark. There was an eerie silence save for the sounds of feet tromping through the Forbidden Forest. “This kinda thing reminds me of my brother Earl.”

Finally, something I can sink my teeth into!” announced Chamberlain cheerfully. “This almost makes up for the last six hours of torturous niceness!”

Cotterpin clutched ever more tightly to Waldo’s back.


“Sorry,” Cotterpin giggled, loosening her grip. She looked around. “It’s so creepy.”

“It’s gorgeous,” Chamberlain corrected.

“It’s positively Shakespearean!” Uncle Deadly announced happily. He took a claw and made a mark on a tree.

“What’s that for?” Gonzo asked him.

Uncle Deadly grinned. “Back when I was a lad in the Junior Swamp Scouts, we were taught to mark our way so we wouldn’t get lost.”

Ed shook his head. “It won’t work. Goblins will just mess with them.”

Uncle Deadly nodded. “Ah, but we’re not in the stone maze and there are no such brick caretakers in this forest. There are no stones to overturn.” His jaw dropped as the trees lowered their branches all over the forest and scratched themselves with identical marks.

Ryan shook his head. “It’s a sad, sad day, when trees turn to masochism to just feel alive.”

Alex looked at her watch. “Wow, it’s starting to get late.” She looked back up. “Hey – isn’t this where --?”

The brothers come ‘round,
The brothers come ‘round,
I get out of my dirty bed ….”

Everyone stopped and formed a huddle, with the tallest forming a ring around the shortest. The song continued….

I shake my pretty little head,
I shake my pretty little head,
Tap my pretty little feet,
Tap my pretty little feet,
Feeling brighter than sunlight – OH!

They turned to the sound and saw Chamberlain grabbing a skinny, large-beaked four-foot-tall imp with flaming red and orange fur by the neck.

“Hey, man, we were singin’!” it protested with a grating voice.

“How dare you call that vile squawking ‘singing’?” Chamberlain protested. “This is singing!” He garbled and squawked and made Scuttle from The Little Mermaid sound like Placido Flamingo.

Everyone put their hands over their ears, including the Fieries.

“Ouch, man, cut us a break! Wait ‘til we take our ears off first!” The trapped Fiery plucked off both his ears and they fell to the ground.

Chamberlain glanced around, wide-eyed, as the others nodded and did the same.

A huge grin flashed across his face. He plucked his victim’s left arm off and flung it across the forest floor. He cackled as the arm flipped over and flipped him the bird.

“Hey, you can’t do that!” one fat Fiery protested.

“Yeah, it’s against the rules to tear off someone else’s parts!” a scrawny Fiery agreed.

Chamblerlain tilted his head to get a better look at the creature’s neck. With a laugh he yanked the head right off and threw it into the air and caught it again in his beak.

Ouch!” said the head.

Chamberlain spat it out and it bounced to the ground.

“Now we’re gonna tear your parts off!” said the fat one.

Chamberlain shrieked with laughter. “Come and get it, ember brains!” As they left the rest of the group alone, they swarmed Chamberlain and tugged and yanked, but he gave as good as he got and more. He cackled as the rest of the group gawked in shock. “This is heavenly!” he screeched, attaching two arms to themselves by the shoulder joints and flinging them away, making the others scramble for them and put them back on. “You just rip off limbs and they come back for more!” He drop-kicked the headless torso of another fiery. “How can it get better than this? You can keep the party!” he told the others. “I’ll stay here and live out the rest of my days in sadistic bliss!”


Ailie pulled at Zoot’s shirt. “Please can we go?”


Ailie stepped back and pouted. “I highly doubt there’s a Geek Squad nearby. We could be here forever!”

Caitlyn checked her watch. “Or at least for another seven hours.”

Spamela shrugged and sighed. “This place is boring. I wanna go to the pool.”

Red sulked and nodded. “Me too. Even Gobo’s hiking trips are more fun.”

“Well, if it isn’t the stragglers,” a deep suave voice said from behind. They turned and saw Jareth smirking at them. “I do believe you’re stuck.”

Vicki rushed over to Jareth and bowed before him (and incidentally making Digit’s head bonk on the ground). “Oh, please, Lord Jareth, king of all the goblins and all we see around us, help make Digit whole again!”

He caressed her face and pouted with fake concern. “Oh, now how do you know he’s not a two-faced, lying coward who deserves to be on display in a museum?”

Vicki started to sob. “I love him!” She grabbed his legs. “He’s kind and gentle. He’s not only my friend, he’s my --.”

“Boy toy?” Dr. Teeth offered, grinning.

“Literally,” Lips snickered. He shut up, though, and gulped when Vicki glared at him.

“It’s not funny!” she wailed.

Jareth pondered for a bit. “Far be it from me to destroy true love,” he told Vicki, prying her away from him gently. He smiled and pointed to a clock. “All I have to do is turn back time and he’ll be as good as new.”

“Nuuuuuuu,” Ailie protested in a whimper. “It’ll create a time paradox!”

“’Sides, anyone can just jiggle the hands on a clock,” Dr. Teeth noted.

Jareth frowned. “If you doubt my power, why ask for my help?”

Caitlyn stepped forward. “You can do anything! All you have to do is turn one of those crystal ball thingies and make some wires and stuff so we can repair Digit!”

“Is that all I have to do?” Jareth replied.

“And turning him back on.”

Spamela smiled shyly and twirled her hair in her fingers. “He’s definitely turning me on.”

Ailie slapped her own forehead and sighed.

Jareth walked up to Caitlyn. “I seem to recall a wish being made. You wanted his mechanic friend to appear and help him, didn’t you?”

Caitlyn nodded. “He never showed up.”

“I assure you he’s quite busy,” Jareth told her. He caressed her hair. “Just forget about the cyborg. Solve the Labyrinth, eat, drink, be merry --.”

Caitlyn frowned and shoved him away. “Not without Digit!”

Jareth smiled and turned to Spamela and Red. “And I hear you want a dip in a pool, is that right?” They nodded. “Very well. Is that what you want?” They nodded again. “Then you shall have your wish.”

The ground dropped from underneath them and the group screamed as they fell down a twisting tunnel that acted like a water slide.

“Woo-hoo!” Red yelped, laughing. “This is more like it!”

Before they even saw the light at the end of the tunnel, they smelled something.


A rather large goblin with a huge axe took a swing at Beige, who ducked just in the nick of time. The axe chopped into the wall in a shower of sparks, bouncing the goblin up and down and sending him sprawling backwards. Small tongues of flame started licking up the walls.

“Uh-oh,” Lindbergh said as Storyteller rushed off to find Erin or anyone who could help.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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O-o... Things are getting intense. Remember the Alamo! Or is that the a la mode? Defend the homestead Erin & co.! Loving how each party keeps moving forward, so to speak. Yeah, the Fieries aren't liking that taste of their own medicine are they. Aaaargh! *Sliding down with Red and Spammy. Hope it's not the same slime-covered chute leading to the Chamber. Please post more, we is loving it all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Yes, I figured after all the stuff he's gone through, the good sport ought to have his fun day in the sun, so to speak. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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With a thud Caitlyn and company landed on a rooftop. They scrambled away from the pouring water and gasped for breath. Spamela looked up. “Eww,” she said, “it’s a giant nose!”

Red stuck her tongue out. “And we were like flying boogers!”

The others shuddered. They had fallen out of a gigantic stone nose just above the rooftop. The waters cascaded down the rooftop and into a black bubbling swamp.

Caitlyn held her hands over her nose. “Oh by god,” she muttered, “it da Bog ob Etuhnal Stent.”

Ailie waved her hand in front of her nose. “Does every sewer in the universe come out here?”

Red took her hand and put it in the rushing waterfall and tasted it. “This is pure water,” she noted, wrinkling her nose. “How does it turn into stinkwater so fast?”

Vicki, Zoot, and Dr. Teeth latched onto the rooftop with one hand an unconscious and soaked Digit with the other.

Lips gagged. “We gotta get out of here.”

Spamela checked her water-resistant watch. “Weren’t we supposed to be at the party?”

“At eight, yeah,” Ailie said. “Why?”

Spamela tapped her watch. “Well, assuming this isn’t broken?” She sighed. “It’s eight now.”

“Great,” Caitlyn replied. “I’m gonna get back to the Dorms and slap Kelly upside her head with a magazine for dragging us down here. This is all her fault.”

Dr. Teeth stared at Spamela. “Hommineh, hommineh, hommineh,” he muttered, gawking at her slick wet voluptuous form. He tore himself away and glanced at Caitlyn. “We must ponderize the circumstances of our affairs,” he told her. “The first thing we gotta do is get out of Stink City.” He glanced back at Spamela as she tossed her hair back and forth, glistening in sunset colors. “Hey, where are those little thing-a-ma-bobs you had, darlin’?”

Spamela looked around and shrugged. She peered over the rooftop and spotted some stray branches in the muck. “Uh, I don’t think they made it, poor little things.”

“What’s that?” Lips asked, pointing to a small figure lugging something much bigger than him about thirty yards away.

“A goblin?” Ailie asked.

They carefully climbed down to ensure they didn’t slip and fall into the bog. After about thirty minutes of dragging Digit with them, they came across a tiny pig-snouted goblin with a colander for a helmet.

“Hey, chill man, what’s your handle?” Zoot asked.

The little goblin turned around. “Skub doesn’t have a handle,” it replied in a timid voice. He lifted up the object he was carrying as high as he could, though he was barely taller than Red. “But Skub find a box with a handle!”

Caitlyn and Lips gasped. “That’s Lindbergh’s toolbox!” they proclaimed with delight, almost forgetting the smell for a moment.

Skub brought it closer to him protectively. “Skub found box and Skub keep box,” he told them, patting it.

Vicki smiled and kneeled, beckoning him towards her. “Skub? Our friend here needs that toolbox. He’s broken and he won’t wake up. Will you pretty please help him, Skub?”

Skub appeared to think it over. “Skub is not mechanic,” he finally replied. “Skub is cook. Box make good desert at party.” He suddenly got a look of sheer terror. “Oh no! Skub is late! It’s eight and Skub is late! Jareth will dip Skub in the bog!”

“You’ll go a lot faster without the toolbox,” Dr. Teeth offered.

“But Skub won’t have desert!” Skub protested.

Red growled and shook her head. “You guys are failing to use the right argument. This works all the time with Gobo.” She grabbed the box and turned Skub forcefully around until his back was to the bog. “If you don’t help us get to the castle with a fully working friend, then it’s a dip in the stinkwater for you!”

Skub glanced behind him and shuddered. He nodded. “Helping friends is something Skub likes to do.”

Red let him go.

They quickly opened the box and found all the materials necessary to bring Digit back to life. With a spark and a sputter, Digit quickly stood up and yawned. “Was I dead?” he asked. “I thought I saw the Primes talking to me.”

Lips slapped his forehead. “He’s cured.”

Zoot nodded at the little goblin. “Thanks, man.”

Dr. Teeth grinned. “Yeah, outta sight, little green one,” he said. “Can ya help us get to the castle el pronto?”

Skub looked around and nodded. “Skub is very important.” He took a small round stone from his pocket. “Chef Skub has keystone that unlocks all traps in Labyrinth. Chef Skub can get new friends there quick as chicken.”

“’Quick as chicken’,” Digit repeated thoughtfully. He shrugged.

Vicki pounced on Digit. “I’m so glad you’re alive!”

Digit blushed. “Well, thank you. I was rather pleased with the outcome myself.”


Hana scoffed, buzzing Hoggle as they walked up a large staircase to the castle walls. “Do you even know what time it is?”

Hoggle shrugged. “It’s gettin’ late.”

Hana shook her head. “Naw, really? I had no idea!”

Ed pushed a button on his watch. “It … is … eight … thirteen … PM,” the watch recited in a monotone.

“Well, darlin’s,” Pearl sighed, “we’re late for the ball.”

Ryan hopped in front of the group and turned around dramatically, talking in his best Sparrow impression. “It took nearly half an hour, nay, thirty whole minutes for the star of a certain moving picture who shall remain nameless, except nearly everyone from the Dorms will already know who this is, as he’s the most famous pirate of all time --.”

“Get to the point!” Hana shouted in a frustrated tone.

Ryan cleared his throat. “All’s I’m trying to say is, it doesn’t matter how early or how late one arrives to a rousing entrance, just so long as one makes a grand … um … one.”

Hana sighed and looked at Hoggle. “How do you live with these people? They’re worse than goblins!”

Hoggle sighed and shrugged. “It’s better than livings at the Bog of Eternal Stench.”

Hana nodded. “Good point.”

Hoggle rolled his eyes. “We’re almost there. Don’t everyone gets a bunch in yer britches.”

“Hey, look!” Gonzo shouted as he dashed ahead of them. He picked up an armful of scrolls. “Aren’t these neat?” He stared at the scrolls in his hands. “I wonder if there are recipes for artificial slime molds in here.” He skimmed a few passages of one scroll and sighed, disappointed. “Oh drats, these aren’t legible at all!”

Beth grabbed one and skimmed it. “Hey, I recognize this! It’s Fragglish! Red has her storybooks littered all over my floor! These are kind of old though. Maybe we should bring ‘em back to the Storyteller at the Dorms? She may know what they say.”

The others nodded and continued on their walk. An hour and they’d be at the castle.


As the flames started to ripple throughout the hallway and through the ceiling, the goblins cheered and danced as the dorm residents scurried about in a panic.

Suddenly, a tremendously loud buzzer went off, hurting the ears of everyone there, while a light flashed in the middle of each hallway repeatedly.

Scooter ran up to Lindbergh, who was helping evacuate the basement level. “I got Katy and her roomies to pull the alarm,” he told the kiwi.

“I didn’t know they’d moved in yet.”

Scooter shrugged. “Well, she wanted her name mentioned according to Ed’s note, so I guess we just have to kinda go along with it.” He cracked a small smile.

“How are we going to defeat the goblins?”

That part I’m not quite sure on.”

“How did you get rid of the pigs?” Lindbergh asked, referencing a time in the theater where pigs overtook the stage.

Scooter pondered. “Uh, well, that was awhile back. I think Cloris just hog-called ‘em to someplace else.”

“How do you hog-call goblins?”

They heard screaming and rushed back into the hallway as the sprinklers started drenching everything in sight. The goblins screeched and writhed.

“Water! Water!” they screamed.

“Do you think they’ll melt?” Scooter asked Lindbergh.

Lindbergh shrugged.

One of the goblins, trembling, bowed and scraped before them. “We’ll do anything if you’ll just stop trying to get us clean!”

Scooter and Lindbergh looked at each other and grinned.



The entrance to the castle was filled with colorful banners and flags and bubbles floated serenely through the air. Goblin City was filled with goblins prancing and dancing and singing and helping themselves to barbecued boots slathered with a fine sauce from toad slime.

Caitlyn and Ailie and the others followed Skub to the gigantic front doors of the castle. Everyone gawked and stared at the wondrous goings on … it was like Spring Break from the love child of Jim Henson and Tim Burton.

Ed, Kelly, Beth, Alex, Ryan, and the others followed Hana and Hoggle as they entered the back door of the castle, heading straight for wardrobe.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Laughing at all of this. Please... Continue!


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
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Thank you, Red. *high-fives the Fraggle*

Yay, Digit's fixed! Finally, it took us long enough!

WHOO-HOO! PAR-TY! PAR-TY! PAR-- the love child of who and who now? :confused:

Wow, I can't believe that we're actually here! I can't WAIT to see what comes next!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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The Ball and Epilogue

The main hallway had a slow parade of guests filing in. The stones were brightly polished and colorful flags swayed in a breeze from several gothic arch windows. The music was raucous as it was outside in Goblin City. Large numbers of bands played together.

“Wow,” Lips gasped, “I wished the Electric Mayhem could get a gig this good. It’d be nice to make a national tour again.”

Ailie spotted Ed and company and yelled for them to come closer, which they did. Red bounded into Beth’s arms, making Beth cringe slightly as Red was soaked to the bone.

“Such fantastic costumes,” Uncle Deadly noted with satisfaction. “I wished I had had time to prepare a Shakespearean monologue. Surely these fine ladies and gentlemen and ….” He stopped to stare at a large boar-headed green-skinned troll female with long black hair and a frilly blue dress and long strings of pearls and other fine jewels around her thick neck. “ … and whatever that was, would be most appreciative of fine theater.”

Some red demons flew around Ed. “Can we interest you in a game of chance?” they hissed.

Ed smiled. “No, thanks. I’m just here for the dance.”

“If you win, we’ll give you sacks of gold!” offered one.

“I bought this ‘an’ from some guy I know,” offered another, holding up a circular golden medallion.

Everyone looked up as a flock of French-speaking multi-colored birds with toothed beaks flew overhead.

Gonzo sniffed, wide-eyed, Zoot and Dr. Teeth. “Whoa, what a fascinating fragrance!” he exclaimed. “You gotta tell me where you bought it!”

Zoot cringed. “Man, it’s that Bog of Eternal Stench.” He turned to Dr. Teeth. “You think the smell will wash off?”

Dr. Teeth shrugged. “I heard ya had to be in it to be it,” he replied. “We didn’t evah go skinny-dippin’ in dat awful cesspool, so I think a good shower or two oughta get the job done.”

Gonzo sniffed deeply and closed his eyes. “That stuff oughta be bottled and distributed! It’d make millions!”

“It’d make millions of calls to the Better Business Bureau!” Ryan laughed, waving his hand in front of his face.

“Or the CDC,” giggled Beth.

Around ten-thirty, everyone from the Dorms was escorted to dressing rooms to freshen up for the ball. It took nearly an hour, but soon everyone was clean and ready to attend.

Digit’s “hair” wires nearly sparkled.

Vicki clasped his hands and smiled, leaning against him. They were dressed in a simple black tuxedo and peach-colored gown. “I do think this fits us better,” she commented.

He took her hands and brought them around his waist and kissed her gently on her lips.

The music began to take on a more romantic tempo.

Kelly sighed. Suddenly, she smelled something familiar. She walked around towards the throne room. The scent got stronger and as it did, her heart started to beat faster. She spotted him just twenty feet from her, talking to a robed figure in the crowd. He had a thick black leather jacket and a red bandana draped over his head, and shiny black leather boots with sparkling silver chains draped around them. She could feel her cheeks heat up and redden. “Spike,” she whispered.

He turned around as though he had heard her. He waved and grinned. He approached and looked around. “Got da rest o’ da guys ‘round here too, eh?” he asked.

She nodded, soaking in the image of the blue-purple spiky dinosaur standing before her. It had been so long.

He smirked. “T’ought I might crash da party, but it seems I’m not da only one wearin’ shall we say ‘casual’ attire,” he continued, nodding to the others mostly dressed in clean street clothes.

Kelly wiped tears away from her eyes. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

Spike rolled his eyes and winked. “Don’t tell me you were evah in love wit’ me. Ick.” He shuddered and chuckled. He looked around again and growled slightly. “I see Buzzard Beak’s still makin’ a stink wit’ da locals.”

Kelly followed his gaze, spotting Chamberlain scaring guests with dismembered fiery parts, cackling as some of them fainted to the floor.

A Caucasian male and female, both with dark brown hair and wearing black jumpsuits, drank a few shots at a small bar nearby.

“Are we headed to Moya or Cheyenne Mountain?” the male asked.

“I have no frelling idea,” the woman moaned in a British accent.

Pearl walked up to the bar and glanced around, ordering several tall glasses of various liquors. “Hoo-howdy!” she gagged as she downed a particularly strong batch. She slapped the counter hard, nearly cracking it. “That’s some mighty fine flavors you got yourself there!” She downed another swig. “I sure do wish I had a fine saloon stocked with that fine inventory!” She licked her lips.

Alex sighed as she spotted Jareth guiding the dancers from a balcony high above them. “I wish I could marry my sweetheart – or meet Elvis. Either way, it’d be heaven on earth.” She thought about that gorgeous dress Sarah wore in her dream and sighed again.

Count von Count was near ecstasy, counting everything he could come up with: guests, party favors, balloons (though Waldo entertained himself by morphing into different balloons to interfere with the count before Digit grabbed him and ordered him to stop), and musical numbers. “Zis is just like a party I vould like to throw for my family,” Count sighed happily.

Spike looked down at Kelly. “So, you got a date with Wire-head or Buzzard Beak?”

“Neither,” Kelly responded slowly.

Spike nodded. “Ah … I see.” He turned around and pointed to a brown saurian female wearing fur. “I met dis chick named Thighs o’ Thunder.” He turned back to Kelly and smirked. “Believe you me, toots, she’s all dat an’ more.”

Kelly smiled politely, though her heart dipped. “I bet,” she said finally.

Spike smiled and lowered his head and whispered in her ear, “Anytime you need me, toots, just say da word.” He stood up again and nodded, heading back to his saurian girlfriend.

Gonzo, Camilla, Pepe, and Rizzo were hollering loudly as a small band of goblins acted like a mosh pit and carried them around. The last goblins, though, weren’t as clever as the others, and soon they were all flat on their backs groaning, aside from Gonzo, who laughed hysterically.

Cotterpin dazzled the crowd with tales of the fantastic amusement park she was planning to build. She was extremely flattered as some guests offered her tons of raw materials if they would make such quaint playthings for them.

Ed and Uncle Deadly both danced to the music.

“Hey, Ed?”

Ed turned and stopped dancing. “Kelly? What’s up?”

“May we dance?”

Ed blinked. “Uh, sure, why not?” She placed her hands in his and began to twirl slowly around the ballroom.

Bean sighed. Red had gone off and really she was the only one he felt like dancing with. He suddenly heard a small girl clear her throat. He turned around and saw what looked like Alice from Alice in Wonderland, though it was just her shadow. He looked and looked and she finally giggled. “Silly,” she said, “I am Shadow!” Bean smiled and took her hands as they sprung from the wall and they danced all around the ballroom, nearly oblivious to the taller dancers.

Soon Jareth raised his hands to stop the music. “Does anyone have a good follow up for that last song?” he asked.

Caitlyn smiled and raised her hand.

Soon, the entire dance floor was set up for a gigantic musical number. A spotlight illuminated Caitlyn, Ailie, and Beth as they began to sing.

Been working so hard,
I’m punching my card,
Eight hours for what?”

Alex, Pearl, Kelly, Red, and Vicki joined in.

I’ve done this feeling,
That time’s just holding me down,
I’ll hit the ceiling,
Or else I’ll tear up this town!”

The entire group of dancers began to sing in perfect harmony.

Now I gotta cut
Loose, footloose,
Kick off your Sunday shoes!

Caitlyn was quickly shocked to see other Dorm residents appear, such as Scooter, Lindbergh, Katy, Erin, Nora, Storyteller, and a gaggle of goblins who sobbed about how clean they were. They joined in, twirling and shuffling along the dance floor in intricate patterns.

Cait, just wait,
Dorm life was just so great!
How, we wow,
All those dancers just now!

The song continued until loud chimes began to ring.

Count von Count counted them. “One, two, three, four ….”

At ten chimes, Jareth hushed the crowds and floated everyone their own crystal ball. “A present.”

“What is it?” Sweetums asked.

“A crystal, nothing more. However, if you turn it this way and look into it, it will grant your very dreams.” As soon as he finished speaking, the thirteenth chime sounded and loud thunderclaps were head as Count finished his count.

Suddenly the Dorm residents found themselves on the front lawn of the Dorm building.

Pearl, for one, immediately made her wish. Far off on Mullin Terrace, a huge saloon of the classic old Western style appeared, with a large sign that said “Scorched and Snowed”. Inside was a bar, a humongous stage for mock fights and dancers, and plenty of room with sturdy stools and tables of all sizes to fit any kind of inhabitant of Hensonville. A mailbox appeared just in front of the building, which was just across from the Muppet Museum of Art, with the number 109 on it.

Lips turned his crystal and soon got a phone call from the EM’s agent, asking about the possibility of a national tour.

The others decided to hold onto theirs, waiting for the perfect moment for their dreams to come true.
