(cue randomness...) "It's because I'm a toad, right? You don't like hanging out with icky, warty toads." "No, it's because you're gonna make me come back and do this scene again!" ...<ahem> sorry, just quoting some great behinds... er, yeah. Sorry, that should be over in SWAEHB... Hey! Is that why you're leaving? Because you think you might meet Steve Whitemire some day (soon) and you're wondering what shade of red you'll turn if you admit to yourself that you're part of SWAEHB? Why, you little...
Oh! Thank goodness for the preview post button! I KNOW WHAT IT IS! The German word I believe you are looking for is "Schul". "Schule" would be plural. Presuming, of course, that the word you mean is school!