Like most Series 10 has to be the one that i'm most excited over for, even more than S5... I think.
Anyway I just have to hand it to Palisades, despite what some people might say about Variant's I have to say, there not pushing the variants out at us and keeping us hoping that we might get an obscure character in atleast two of the series' next year.
About Gonzo being the MTI character, I think that is one of the only decisions they could have gone for, about S9 would be the perfect time to release a new MTI variant, it couldn't be Fozzie since he's in the same series, Piggy would be coming the series after, Sam would have already been out and besides he'd appear in S8 and Kermit would have recently made an appearance in S& as Captain Smollet from MTI, so logically the best choice would be Rizzo and this time around instead of packing him seperatley he's been packed with Gonzo. Now you could argue with having Clueless or one of the pirates show up in the MTI S9 spot but with a line up consisting of Pop's, Lip's & Tuxedo Fozzie ypu would need another strong character.
I also want to say how happy i'm with these variants, I mean I knew we'd see quite a few varaints in 2004 but i'd never expect a Series to consist of variation of Scooter & Sam to hold it strong, although some could argue that Sam is not a variant since he's being released "naked" but you know what I mean.
And besides all that, although I wouldn't object to this at all, we still have yet to have gotten a non specific movie or Muppet Show variant in the regular line.
Anyway my point is we're getting (counting Pack-in) 14 new character and 8 variants plus Regular Roiwlf & Nurse Janice. So all in all I think that the way they're handeling variant's is great. I fyou think about it this way, the only variant we're getting in S7 is Kermit but consider it as being Polly with a pack-in Captain smollet and even up to Series 7 we're still get line ups with no variant's.