so many realizations...
Dude, this post has so many things on it, I dont know how I missed it thus far...
Realization #1: Resident Lilly is Ken Lilly of Palisades... Stupid me, I somehow got his name mixed up with Philip's and had him as Ken Chapman in my head. While I do not apologize for some of my earlier remarks towards Ken's arguments regarding some of my previous posts (I do not think they were really bad, nor were they aimed at him specifically, they just seem that much more stupid-er {I know that's not a word... Emphasis on stoopid} for arguing marketing strategies of Palisades with one of the guys, if not THE guy running the show) Anyway, all of my ideas/ criticism was in the best interests of this toy line, so please forgive any animosity, as it really does not exist from me, towards Palisades, or Ken.
Realization #2: This is simply the best line of toys I have ever had the good sense to collect. Thank you SO much Palisades for sticking to your guns as far as quality. Is there any way though, that you could postpone announcing the accessories until they are absolutely final??? I do enjoy the sneak peek, but I also look forward to seeing everything that is announced. While it does sound like you are releasing just about everything you promised, one way or the other, still... you get the idea... And kudos for including the avacado. Let's see if yours is as good as mine!!! Ill post pics of my original sculpts after Christmas, where I will recieve my digital camera, PRAISE THOR!!!
Realization #3: Whether these figures are postponed for other series or not, they have been announced, thus will be produced. That means, Lips, Frog Scout Kermit, Uncle Deadly, Vet Hospital and cast... The list continues. And repaints of Sal so I can justify more penguins as well... More monkeys can't be a bad thing!!!
Bottom line, this is a great line of toys, and I will collect all I can for as long as I can. Ken, if you guys get the line for 4 more years, I will still collect them. I don't know how many more figs there could possibly be, but as long as it's not collecting the Muppets intheir Elton John closing scene outfits, I'll be there. Actually, that's kinda a cool idea...