Originally posted by Drtooth
E-gad!!! Do these people get drunk or stoned and come up with weird crap like this at 2 am???? I hate when people make dumb assuptions like that! He is flamboyant as Andy Dick. Personally, I don't want to know more about him.
whoa there cowboy...dial it down a bit and start over.
first off, what "dumb assumptions" are you speaking of? this is a decent sized thread, if you don't specify, you're the one who looks silly. no offense, just the truth.
secondly, saying that someone must be "drunk or stoned"...yeah, bad idea. i understand you may have strong feelings one way or another, but that's just a respect thing. you wouldn't like it if it was said about you. i certainly didn't like it when it was said about me (seeing as i have never been, nor will i ever be, either one), and whoever you are commenting on probably doesn't appreciate it either.
we are all entitled to our opinions, that is a fact, and no one can or should take that away. but please, being a little more clear and polite works wonders, and keeps from hurt feelings. i'd hate to miss out on some of the great things others have to say because they are run off by someone getting a little excited and shooting off at the mouth. just remember, even though we can't actually SEE each other, doesn't mean the golden rule is not still in effect, so treat others as you yourself would like to be treated. that goes for everyone.
(man, i sound like my dad...sheesh)