I think he has been too. His character was not nearly as likable in The Muppets or Muppets Most Wanted. They used him more for quick jokes than anything. I miss the way it used to be, because he was so much cooler of a character. Now he's just kinda eh
I know he's being phased out, yet so many people on this thread refuse to admit it. Since Bunsen had a pretty beefy-ish role in the film, I don't think Dave's having too many problems, but it's not that Gonzo isn't likable nowadays, it's that he's not a main character and
the film could work even without GONZO!! Think about it, he had some crucial roles in TMM, without him there would be no "I'm Going To Go Back There Someday", no chasing Gonzo in the car, and no interaction in the car with him. In GMC he was responsible for finding out when and where Nicky Holiday was going to steal the baseball diamond, and he was the photographer. In MTM without him, Camilla wouldn't get CPR, and one whole "letter" scene, and the infamous Ed Koch scene would be cut! In MCC he was the narrator, in MTI, main character, and MFS (NEED I SAY MORE? UNLESS YOU WANT CLIFFORD TO HAVE AN ALIEN FAMILY), and he also had crucial roles in VMX, MWoO, and LTS. Then The Muppets (2011)? They could have easily just cut out the
TWO ONLY Gonzo scenes, and nothing would happen! Sure he did save the muppet theater, but besides that he was just as a background character as Lew Zealand! MMW was MUCH WORSE! Gonzo was basically a background character, I think Bunsen had more lines and a bigger part! Again he had that one part where his nose hooked on Constantine's helicopter, but that was 2 seconds long! I was really hoping that Gonzo'd have a big role in MMW, but really, the running of the bulls was less than 1 minute long! Let's face it, Gonzo's just as phased out as Rizzo! Sure, he had roles, but they were minor and could easily have been replaced by another muppet! In TM, Crazy Harry could have taken out his plunger box and BAM, Tex is knocked out, and in MMW, Camilla could have jumped and held on to the helicopter with her mouth. Gonzo is being phased out, and until we have another muppet production to see how big his role will be, this is really sad.