To me it didn't matter that Johnny was black or white. The fact is, the movie sucked, the reason the movie was made sucked and made no sense, the fact that Fox is still holding onto the rights even after losing all that money sucks. I do not mind a race lift or genderswap. Just make sure the project is actually good first.You're right. Retconning can be done well like in the case or Nick Fury. I had mixed feelings about Johnny Storm controversy, but the film was such a mess anyway that it doesn't really matter.
I really get the feeling that writers and directors really want to get more diversity than the studios will allow and audiences will spend the money to see. Say what you will about the Fast and Furious movies. There aren't 8 of them because they're all failures. And part of that is because they were able to have a diverse, believable cast. It's a real shame that those who complain that the Oscar's so White are the same film audiences that only see films with white people in it. Producers pass up actors of certain races because they want to go for the big names first. Look at the Emma Watson controversy with Aloha. Can anyone even name a Japanese American actress? Because I sure as heck can't. Another lovely catch 22.It's a big world. We all deserve to see ourselves reflected in it. Entertainment is one of those ways. When folk hear about inclusion of a minority or an LGBT character, the first thought is that they're going to ramrod some overbearing character into a project when it's the opposite that's trying to be accomplished. Agents of SHIELD has beautifully introduced a secondary LGBT character a while ago and he kind of just passed under the radar. I love that. BTW, the show has gotten a lot better after that clumsy first season. Anyway, I think that Disney's inclusion of LGBT in Marvel and probably inclusion in Star Wars will be graceful and understated. I'm interested in seeing how that unfolds.
That said, we did have some under the radar gay characters before like Richie from Static Shock (where it was never brought up) or the teacher from Hey Arnold (where it was only hinted at once) back when that was taboo. I'd say most of society is either supportive or doesn't give a crap enough to not say anything about it. But there's always that small vocal minority that ruins everything for everyone. They have way too much power, and it's for the best they're ignored to the point of complete irrelevance.
Completely off topic, but I agree. There's a difference between saying "I don't care for this, but I'm not going to get involved" and "This is somehow affecting my life and I need to change the lives of those I'll never meet." Now, I can expand on the whole thing about how social conservatism is just a matter of "No True Scottsman" and that if the Republican party was more socially progressive that they'll lose their precious Evangelical voters.I get what you're saying about Trump, but frankly for me all he's doing is pointing out how the extremists took over the party since the 80's (and especially since Bush Jr.). Thing is, all the noise is surrounding him and we forget just how shockingly far right half of those who were running actually are. Ted Cruz is especially chilling. His religious supporters are downright everythingphobic. And I'm not even going to get into the Congressional stooges that keep redefining rape. I don't see why moderate Republicans and fiscal conservatives aren't just as angry if not angrier than the liberals at their party.I have friends of all stripes. Mormons, Muslims, Trangender, Gay, Straight, Questioning, Catholics, Christians, Jews and otherwise. I have countless Conservative friends too. Most of them don't care about what LGBT people do and believe that equality is a two way street. That's a mature perspective. They're also horrified that a raging bigot has taken over their party.