It's a sad state of affairs that people in their 20's and 30's care more about their childhood (enough to think any remake, comeback, or Family Guy cutaway from the first season is "raping" it), when kids don't even want theirs. I've said it before... you want to grow up when a year passes like a glacier, but you sure as heck don't want to go to bed 26 and wake up 36! Rushing adulthood sort of... well sort of jinxing things to come on too fast.people are forced to grow up too fast. The media makes people who still have some child like joy look like idiots who should be ridiculed. that said, people want acceptance so they just jump on the bandwagaon and train themselves to like what is in and convince themselves they are too old for something.
What are kids going to remember nostalgically now when everyone, even the media wants them to stop watching cartoons and watch "adult" stuff... that ranges from juvenile pop star based family sitcoms to reality smut. I'd HATE to be someone that looks back at Jersey Shore like a great distant memory.
That said, I see more and more people of varying ages wearing Sesame shirts. So take that as you will.