I don't even want to think about it, guys.. Jerry was the center of Fraggle Rock.. Gobo, Pa, Marjory.. and, in my opinion, the best singer of all the muppeteers.. I'd rather just assume he'll be there until we're told differently.. well, it makes me feel better, anyway
by the way, to help clear up the health questions a bit, Jerry posted this last August:
"I have COPD which is cronic obstructive pulmonary disease generally and emphysema specifically.I have had this for fifteen years or so but only in the last four years has it become problematic. Two years ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and went through radiation treatment sucessfully. This spring I was in the hospital with pneumonia and am still recovering from that. Complicated by the COPD, this recovery process takes some time. I am happy to say that as of this posting I do intend to work with my old friend Count Von Count again this next season."
so.. it sounds like he's slowly improving, right?