Hmmmm, I wonder who the famous celeb would be, lol just joking
1. A Sitcom
2. Myself of course
3. My house, which on the show actually contains a street.
4. 30 minutes
5. A mixed amount, right now it has it's own channel.
6. Yeah, but sort of obscure, with some made up actors to go with the characters.
7. Some of the characters are human, while others are puppets.
8. Well, the current one probably nine (I'm finishing this year I think)
9. The original had a few, some of which were based on Star Wars) but probably not this one.
10. see 9, except for the Star Wars part for my answer.
11. I'd like to think so, but just in case, I have my "actors" on actual shows that are on during primetime.
12. Yeah, I probably would with my luck.
(As you can see, I've put way too much thought into this, in fact I started making up my TV show when I was like 5 years old, and it shows considering the names of some of my fictional characters, such as Takesabu, Doovoo and Dava, I originally ended in 1996, but I got bored so I created a new one, and now that I'm 20 I'm thinking about moving on and finishing it off this year) Now you can all back away from me, lol