If I get up at 5am and then had burgers and fries at 6am, I probably wouldn't like it as much as usual. Yet, if I slept in until 10am and then ate burgers and fries at 11, they'd probably be just fine. Funny how that works! Maybe something about eating when still half asleep and it's still dark outside that causes the body to determine that lunch and dinner foods just don't "feel" right at this time.
And here's a great way to wipe that

of my face: Today's weather!
Hot (of course) and Humid (oh is it ever!). They were threatening a high of 99 but the highest I noticed the mercury was 96. We had a 97 a few weeks ago. But today felt like the hottest of the year because the humidity was really REALLY bad today. C'mon someone say something cold! Ice cream, freezers, The Arctic Circle, Nurse Ratched (oops, she's cold in a different way!)