I Am Wanting To Know Who To Write To To Request Approval To Play Kermit's Swamp Years - We Are A Small Business That Houses Frogs In Australian And Are Holding A Festival To Raise Funds For Frog Research. We Are Runnning Frog Games And After Seeing The Movie Kermit Swamp Years We Thought Would It Not Be Great To Play The Film On A Small Tv For Any Little Kids Who Needed Some Entertainment Throughout The Day.
I Imagine An Email To Tru Star Would Be A Starting Point But Would Appreciate Any One Else Feedbck Or An Email Address Otherwise It May Be To Much Trouble Given Copyright Laws Etc.
Thanking You
I Imagine An Email To Tru Star Would Be A Starting Point But Would Appreciate Any One Else Feedbck Or An Email Address Otherwise It May Be To Much Trouble Given Copyright Laws Etc.
Thanking You