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Hensonville City 2011

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Searching for good vampirish sounding names for the bat brothers from Halloween Town. Stoker and Lucius maybe, but which vampire should get that name: the Baron, Count, Lord, or Prince?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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waiting in the main office of Hensonville Elementary for my appointment with Robin's teacher,Ms. Abricot. Soon she enters and warmly shakes my hand:Good to see you, Kathy.Let's go in this room ,shall we?
Sure.and follow her
Mrs Abricot closes the doorWould you like some coffee or tea?
No thank you.
She pours herself some coffee,sits down ,shuffles some papers,and begins to speak I make it a point to see all my students' parents.. well.. guardians in your case... after Open House and before school lets out for the year to discuss how their child is doing. I need to be perfectly honest with you. Robin is a joy to have in my class! He's a smart young man who puts his best effort into everything he does! I wish I could have told you all of this over the phone. But as I said, I make it a policy to see my kids' parents twice a year.
nodding I understand. And I'm so glad that Robin is doing wel in school. I worry when he misses a couple of days of school when he's with his family at the swamp.
Mrs. Abricot: Oh...he catches up real quick! Don't you worry about that! One question though. What does he call you at home?
Mom. His frog mother Leaper even gave him permission to call me that since he lives with me. I need to share something funny with you though. One time both Leaper and I were together at the house here in Hensonville . Robin came in the kitchen to ask a question. When he started, he said"Mom?" and both Leaper and I answered!
Mrs Abricot laughs Oh gosh!That must have been funny!
Yeah...it was. The question had been directed towards me though. Mrs. Abricot...may I ask a favor? At the end of the year, I'd like a copy of Robin's report card. This way it can be shown to his parents instead of me just having it.
Mrs. Abricot:Of course! You're a very good mother to him, Kathy. I'm saying this in confidence only. With all my students that I see come in, Robin is the only one that seems to have had a good breakfast, is clean and has his homework done. His multiplication skills in math need a bit of working on. But that's my only bugaboo about Robin. Other than thatstanding up you're raising a wonderful young man! Who knows?Maybe he'll go into entertainment someday like his uncle!
standing up too Well he already told me yesterday that he wants to be a doctor or something like that.Thank you so much,Mrs. Abricot.shaking her hand
Mrs. Abricotshaking my hand My pleasure. You have a good day!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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earlier today
Robin arrives home from school and Frog Scouts looking a little nervous Hi Mom.
Hi Robinplaying it cool even though I want to pick up the kid up and smother him with hugs How was school and Frog Scouts today?
Robin:Okay. How was the meeting with Mrs. Abricot?
It went just fine. Robin...put down your bookbag please.
Just please do it.
he puts his bookbag on a chair and looks at me nervously
I get him in a tacklehug Do you know how much I love you,Robin the Frog,huh? tickling him a bit and he starts laughing and I smother him with kisses C'mere you!finally ending with a big hugMrs. Abricot had nothing but nice things to say about you!
Really! Well her one problem was that you're having trouble with multiplication.But that's always been a problem, right?
Robin: Well,yeah. But I've been trying to do better.
And that's all Mrs. Abricot asks for. That you try. She said that you're a smart sweet young man and she loves having you in her class! Robin...I am so very proud of you.
Robin: So my stomach was doin' flip flops all day for nothing?
Why would your stomach be doing flip flops?
Robin: I was nervous about what Mrs. Abricot would say. small voice I almost threw up.
Robin....hugging him there was no reason for you to be nervous honey. It's not like you're a troublemaker in school or you don't do your homework.And you're a good kid here too! Look..even if Mrs. Abricot had had any complaints, I would have talked them over with you,made you promise not to do them again,and if what you did was bad enough, you would have been punished. But you didn't do anything wrong.You got an excellent report from your teacher and like I told you I'm proud of you! So, no more worrying okay?
Robin:Okay Mom. Why did Mrs. Abricot want to see you if I'm doing so well?
Well,she said she holds two conferences per year. One after Open House to talk to each parent or guardian about their kids and how they're doing. Then before school lets out to update them on how the kid has progressed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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coming into the kitchen Hi Chef! What are you making?
Chef:Soometheeng with peas lima beans und peppers und all those uther things yu hate!chuckling:wink: Nu..just kidding.Toona noodul casserool. Now if I culd just keep der kitty oot frum under my feet. Geffer! SHOO!Can yu get her pleez?
Sure...and then I need to tell you something.All right you...scoopingGaffer up,bringing her into the living room and putting on a DVD of Video Catnip Now leave Chef alone.
Yes I know you like tuna.But so do we.Now watch your DVD and be a good kittypetting her on the head and returning to the kitchen Now..as I was going to say.I found out something interesting yesterday.
Chef:Ja? Whut's det?
My friend Colleen's great great grandmother was a chef for the Queen of Sweden!
Chef eyeing me Yu shure aboot thet?
Honest! Have I ever lied to you before?
Chef:Well...nu... Hoow did yu find oout?
Colleen's dad was saying that Colleen's mom was part Swedish in some way and he said that her great grandmother was a cook for the Queen of Sweden.
Chef:Wow!Well whut du yu knoo! Wait til I tell my frends et the nekst Chef Meeting!They'll be...erm...hoo boy..whut's der werd?
Chef:Ja!Det's it!Impressed!Thenks!
*The above is all true! My friend's great great grandmother actually was from Sweden & cooked for the Queen Of Sweden! Also, there really is a DVD for cats that has birds & stuff.I don't know if it's called Video Catnip, but there honestly is such a thing . :smile:

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: [checking the weather] Hmm. Not going to be too warm out, today.
Tosh: But we're still going to the Pec Thing, right?
Kim: Don't worry, Tosh, we're still going. We're just going to have to dress a bit warmer, that's all.
Tosh: Okay.
Boober: [looks out the window] ...maybe I ought to bring my umbrella.
Gillis: You sure you actually want to come with us this time? Flea markets usually aren't very, well, clean places. Besides, where do you think they get the name?
Kim: [warningly] Gillis...
Gillis: What?
Kim: For one thing, there are no actual fleas at flea markets.
Boober: I know that, Kim. But I do need a new washboard. And, well, after watching the rest of you go off twice every year to this thing it...seemed like fun.
Kim: Well, glad that you're going along.



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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It's been kind of a subdued day/evening in Apartment 2,due to the fact that that it's the anniversary of Jim Henson's death.
Robin: Mom?
Hmmm?as I I'm tucking him into bed
Robin:Can you sing Rainbow Connection to me?
Oh Robin...
sigh I wish you'd asked me earlier...but okay. Lie back and close your eyes. You know I don't sing the song as well as your Uncle Kermit,right?
Robin: You have a pretty voice!
small laugh You little charmer!
:sing:Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
And what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions,but only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it.
I know they're wrong ,wait and see.
Someday we'll find it;the rainbow connection.
The lovers,the dreamers and me.
Who said that every wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that,and someone believed it.
Look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
All of us under its' spell
We know that it's probably magic.
Have you been half asleep, and have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same.
I've heard it too many times to ignore it.
It's something that I'm supposed to be.
Someday we'll find it,the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
La da da dee da da doo la la da da da dee da oooh...:sing:
Robin's snoring softly I kiss him on the cheek and whisper goodnight to him


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Robin comes into my room looking scaredMom?
Hi Robin. You okay?
Robin:I'm scared.
Of what?Want to talk about it?Come..sit downmotioning to a chair
Robin sits down Is the world really ending today?
Ohhhh brother.:rolleyes: Where did you hear that?
Robin: People on the news and some people in the neighborhood. Even some big kids at school.
Nobody here in this apartment I hope, Because if there are,there will be a metting called right now!:mad:
Robin: Oh no..nobody here.
All right.calming down Good. Robin...I can promise you.The world is not ending today. I think a bunch of people are just being silly. I read it too and I told people they were acting nutty.
Robin:So the world isn't going to end?
Cross my heartcrossing my heart and hope to d..er...stick a needle in my eye!
Robin:Whew!I feel better now!Thanks Mom!giving me a big hug
You're more than welcome Robinhugging him back


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Grover: Robin seemed so excited to go to school today. I wonder why?
It's the last week of school.:wink:
everyone laughs
Prairie:Oh...I remember being the same way!
Chef:Ja..me tu.
Guilty as charged. The kids in Robin's class are having a pizza party tomorrow.So I'm going in to help out. I feel kind of sorry for Mrs. Abricot this week. The kids...Robin included...are probably being really hyper.So she's probably going out of her mind telling them to calm down. One day this week is Field Day checking school calendar Wednesday. Today is the Class picnic. Tomorow is Pizza day.
Rosita:What kind of pizzas are you getting for the kids?
Plain. I'll probably have to get 3 large pies from Juhl's. In fact, I'll call up now so that they're ready tomorrow. I'll have to take a taxi to the school to Juhl's and then to the school tomorrow. Unless I can get Juhl's to deliver to the school around 11:30.
Prairie:Yeah. That'd make more sense.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth *comes running into the room* Computer! Everyone! Gather! Computer!
Red: What?
Rowlf: She's not making sense
Cookie: She sound like me.
Beth: Guys! The trailer is online!
Rowlf: The trailer?
Red: What's a trailer?
Cookie: You haul things in it like big tons of cookie!
Beth: No, not THAT kind of trailer. Come here, just look.
*They gather around and watch the trailer online for "Green With Envy"
Beth: You see now?
Red: It's the new Muppet movie!
Rowlf: About time that showed up
Cookie: Oh boy, me can hardly wait!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Eats popcorn, offering some to roomies.

Me: Ah, my favorite part of the game... Sudden death.
UD: If only I'd have gotten my hands on that lamp...