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Hensonville City 2011


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Mmm, gracias for the update Rosita. If she wants, we've got soups bought last week for my little medical preparations. Hope she feels better soon.
Rosita :De nada. Hasta luegoEd! Tell everyone in Apartment 1 hello for me!waving
Meanwhile in the bathroom I'm taking some cold medicine and it tastes awful!:stick_out_tongue: YUK! I say to myself aloud Long gone are the days where medicine tasted like bubblegum sigh I open the door with my tongue still out a bit from the nasty taste and I see Robin
Robin:Why do you have your tongue out,Mom?
(Observant little frog isn't he? A bit too oberservant if you ask me. Oh well. )
Well you know that medicine that you took when you had your nasty cold last year?
Robin nods Lime. And it was pretty good.But I wouldn't really make it an ice cream flavor.
Well the stuff I just took was pretty disgusting. It definitely wouldn't last as an ice cream flavor!
Robin:Why don't you take the stuff I take?
Because it's just for kids.
Robin:Awww darn! Sorry your medicine tastes so yukky Mom.
Thanks Robin. The medicine is orange.So you'd think it tastes like oranges right?
Robin:Uh huh.
Guess again. But then again my psychology is that the more awful medicine tastes the quicker it'll make me feel me feel better.
Robin:What's psychology?
It's a matter of thinking.
Rosita approaches usKathy..Ed was here.He has some soups to make you feel better if you want them.
Well I'll try Chef's first so he won't be offended.
Rosita:Good thinking.
But it was nice of Ed and the gang in Apartment One to think of me anyway.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Nods while waving by to Rosita.

*Heats up some Chinese food in the leftovers fridge 'cold storage' for lunch.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Chef: Cheer up Kethy. Et leest yu doon't hev clookitis.
Cluckitis? I think that only applied to you Muppets,Chef.
Robin: Well when Roger Miller was on The Muppet Show he said the he had had it.
You're right.sneezingBwak!Bawk!Bock!walking over to the refrigerator and clucking like a chicken and getting an eggBWAAAKKKK!producing the egg to Chef and Robin
Robin starts laughing hysterically Nice try Mom...but you are not a chicken! And you don't have cluckitis.
Didn't think I'd fool you guys.:wink:
Chef: Plus chikkuns heve fethers und beeks sille gurl! Now put thet egg away befur it brekes! Yu want sum chikkun noodul soop?
Sure. Thanks Chef.
Robin:Something to drink too,Your Majesty Queen Human Mom?:wink:
laughing You're a cutie, Your royal Highness Prince Robin The Frog. An Orange Fruit 2O please and thanks.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*:batty: plays a flourish on the organ that sounds like an intro for a tale of sorts.
UD: They call him Judge Frollo, the knave.
And this they will write on his grave...
He's gnashing and glaring.
And nobly not caring.
Outrageous and rampant.
And also repellent.
No wonder folks don't bother to wave...
He's Frollo, Judge Frollo, the knave.

*Puts money from the ticket sales into the batty bank to be counted later. *Leaves to sell some creepcorn.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: [lighting a candle]
Tosh: Do you think she's happy?
Kim: I'm sure she is, Tosh. She's with Three and the Brigadier and Harry again.
Tosh: [nods] Goodbye, Sarah Jane.



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Chef:Su how ere-a yu feeling tudey Sneezy Dwerf?chuckling
sarcastically laughing I'll ignore that nickname thank you very much!
Chef:Ooh Kethy!Yu know I'm kidding.Reely how ere yu feeling? I called yu Sneezy becus yu've been sneezing su much. End I celled yu a dwerf becuz yu're shurt...
Horizontally challenged is the way I like to think about it.But anyway to answer your question,my doctor put me on medicine yesterday to help me get rid of this thing.Er...I didn't
want to say anything in front of Robin yesterday because I didn't want him thinking it was his fault.But when I was helping out at his class last Friday, there were a few sniffly nosed little kids whom I wished their parents had kept home from school.But I guess either the parents work or the kids begged the parents to let them come to school for the holiday party.
Chef:Thet's nut smart fur the perents tu send sik childrun tu schul.
Right! I'm surprised Robin hasn't gotten sick! But I guess his immune system is good.
Chef: Ooh!Su did the doktur say whether yu heve der diubetes ur nut?
Still clear!
Chef claps his hands Wunderful! Su whut kind uv cake du yu wunt nekst week?
shaking head Chef,you don't have to go to any trouble.
Chef:Yes I du. Whut kind uv cake. I know yu luv choklit. Yu wunt Duble choklit?Or Germin choklit?
Chef:Kethy..starting to look mad,but then his face softens Ooh..okee. Yu're frend's birthdey wuz close tu yours rite?I furgot. I'm sorree.squeezing my hand
It's OK.squeezing it back You know what?Surprise me with the cake OK?
Chef: Okeedokee.Yu going tu be 24 rite?:wink:
laughing Yep!24!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*After finishing dinner of cold cod salad with squids, bathing and shaving, the fiends of Apt 1 gather as Ed pulls out the big book of Kermie's Girl to read from cover to as most as possible in one sitting as today is it's anniversary.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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calling from home..but not sure I'll get an answer
Chef picks up the phone:Hellu?
Hi Chef...it's Kathy.
Chef: Hi Kethy! How yu doing?
OK...but tired.
Chef: Did yu get the nu furniture in?
Not quite yet. I think that my mom and her friend are going to put it in during the week. I did a lot of cleaning today to accommodate everything.
Chef Accomowhuh?
Accommodate. Means to organize things. So I had to put some things in plastic bags for the time being.
Was Kermit on time to pick up Robin? And did you explain why I wasn't there?
Chef:Ja. Und Kermit toold me tu wish yu a Heppy Eastur.
That was sweet of him. I'll most likely be back tomorrow night. You're going to Angelo's for Easter,right?
ChefJa. The gurls und Grovur went to their femelies houses after dinner tonite.
OK..check. I'll see you tomorrow night. Have a Happy Easter Chef.
Chef: Yu too.Und I'll try tu sneek a devuled egg tu yu.*chuckling*
laughing You're too kind Chef.As an even trade, I'll give all my black jellybeans to you.
ChefOoh yu doon't know whut good iz!:wink:*chuckling again*Heve a gud nite,kiddo.
You too Chef. Goodnight.hanging up the phone

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Leaves chocolates for the people who are here, and wraps some more to send to the ones who aren't.
Happy Easter everybody. And have a nice Passover too.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*:batty: counts all the jellybeans that came in the bag before tying it back up for tomorrow.

Me, musing over a couple ideas: Okay, so if we change Merryl from the Kesaran fluffball to the Sheep and Mr. Johnson to the Paper Suit Gentleman, that'd give us 40 for Wonderland. We still have to find something to monstrify Lyle the Dog and Murray Monster into; and then decide upon the rest of the holiday leaders.

*Uncle D listens to the music of the night, relaxing with a cup of bat's milk tea.