Lily: Kim, can we go out and play in the snow?
Tosh: Yeah, can we?
Kim: Sure; just make sure both of you dress warmly.
Girls: Yay!
Lily: Hey Tosh, do you want to see if Boober wants to come out with us?
Kim: Uh, sorry Lils. Looks like Boober's going to be staying in his room all day today.
Tosh: Why?
Kim: Check the calender.
Tosh: [goes and checks] Oh, not again... [goes down to Boober's room and knocks on the door.] Boober! Hey, Lily and I are going to go play in the snow; you want to come?
Boober: No! I'm not going out there today, and neither should you!
Lily: What's wrong with Boober? Is he sick?
Gillis: [passing by as he goes to the kitchen] No; just paranoid.
Kim: Thank you, Maestro. [rolls her eyes] See Lily, today is Friday the 13th which some people, like Boober, believe to be unlucky. So whenever Friday the 13th rolls around Boober shuts himself up in his room and refuses to come out until the next day.
Tosh: [coming back] Well, I can't get him to come out. And at least it's not as bad as when we were at the Dorms and he spent all day hiding underneath the blanket of his bed. Looks like it's just you and me, Lily.
Beast: [whining]
Tosh: Oh, and Beast too. Sorry, Beastie.
Kim: Well, just make sure you dress warm, and come inside when you start to get too cold or when I tell you to come in. That goes for you too, Beast; I don't want anyone getting sick.
Beast: Reah, reah! [nods]