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Hensonville City 2011

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Rizzo: *dumping snow into the wheelbarrow* I still don't know if waking Jules up by dumping a wheelbarrow of snow on her is a good idea.

Pepe: Well, think of it this way, we wont be getting the living room drenched like yesterday, right? Just her bed, h'okay? Much better. Then she will chase us out here and we can have our snowball fight.

Rizzo: I guess that makes sense...

Pepe: *sees Blind Pew* Oye, why is he wearing a clown wig?

Rizzo: Beats me. Maybe you should go ask, seeing as you are not helping me fill this wheelbarrow up. -___-

Pepe: H'okay, fine, I will. *walks over to Blind Pew and Zoot* Hola, mis amigos. So, you have a clown wig on, you know. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Okay, thanks. Erm, I kinda need some help so my turns don't take so long, so Robin can play with you if he wants to make it fairer.
*Draws letter tiles, UD whispers what I got. Hmm, we'll have to wait.

Your word Kath.
placing tiles on board
S A M E. That's 1,2, 3 points for the "M" and one point for the e. So that's 6 points altogether. Prairie?taking 4 tiles out of the bag
Prairie:Hmmm...OK...puts down RACE 3 points for the R A & E and 3 for the C.So that's 6 altogether. You're next Rositadrawing tiles from the bag
Rosita:I have awful letters.:stick_out_tongue:.Uh...let's see. putting down an A and N under my M MAN. 5 points.OK Robin.
Robin:My word has to go under the other letters ,right?
Right. Or join the other words.
Robin:Okay examining the boardUh?Is racecar allowed?
Robin puts car next to race and gets a double word.
Something wrong?
Uh...no. counting the points And the "c" for "car"was on a Double word score .So you have 22 points Robin! Good move!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Mmm, our turn then...

:batty: places an I, A, and C under MAN, spelling MANIAC.
Your turn Edvard.
*Ed, with help from his roommate places an E under the S of SAME, then an O, another O, and an N above it, creating the word NOOSE.
And that leaves the board to you Uncle D, finish our round would you?
UD: Fright... *Hexamines his letters, then smiles as he places a T after the A of MAN and the second C of RACECAR...
That's the post for the noose Ed already laid, now for the hangman.
*UD lays an X after the E of NOOSE, forming the word EXACT.
As in exacting our revenge.

So what's the score Kath?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Mmm, our turn then...

:batty: places an I, A, and C under MAN, spelling MANIAC.
Your turn Edvard.
*Ed, with help from his roommate places an E under the S of SAME, then an O, another O, and an N above it, creating the word NOOSE.
And that leaves the board to you Uncle D, finish our round would you?
UD: Fright... *Hexamines his letters, then smiles as he places a T after the A of MAN and the second C of RACECAR...
That's the post for the noose Ed already laid, now for the hangman.
*UD lays an X after the E of NOOSE, forming the word EXACT.
As in exacting our revenge.

So what's the score Kath?
Erk!:eek: Uhhhh.....looks like you killed us, guys. imitating noose of my own and pretending to hang myself OK...let's see here....10 for the Count after spelling "maniac"
5 for Ed after spelling noose.And....well Uncle D..you pretty much slaughtered us with "Exact" That "x" was on a "triple" letter! So 3 8s are 24 C is worth 3 E A and T are worth 1 each. So that's 30 all for "exact"
Chef: Dinnur!I hope yu guys frum apartmint 1 are staying. We're hefing zeeti. with garlik bred!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks Chef, but no... Erm, I'm not that big on pasta. Spaghetti or lasagna or those small raviolis are the only things I'll eat from that category. But thanks just the same.

Oh, almost forgot.
*Hands Chef a tin of marzipan.
This is for all your help over the last few months. Thank goodness Mayor Chapman installed some new security measures that've stemmed the tide down considerably.

So Kath, are we playing another round or is it game over?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Liza: *giggles* This is fun! *tosses a snowball at Rizzo* Teehee! :big_grin:

Gonzo: WOOOOPIE! *dives into a snowbank*


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Thanks Chef, but no... Erm, I'm not that big on pasta. Spaghetti or lasagna or those small raviolis are the only things I'll eat from that category. But thanks just the same.

Oh, almost forgot.
*Hands Chef a tin of marzipan.
This is for all your help over the last few months. Thank goodness Mayor Chapman installed some new security measures that've stemmed the tide down considerably.

So Kath, are we playing another round or is it game over?
Chef: Ooh yu're welcome. Und thenks fur the murzipan!
Sorry Ed. Game over. I gotta get outta here soon. Like I mentioned earlier I need to get up super early tomorrow. I'll be back a week from tomorrow & we'll play some more. Good game though! Congrats on winning!:smile:
going into my room to get my suitcase and hearing a knock on the door
Who's there?
Grover:Your lovable furry room mate and bellhop!Wondering if you need help with your suitcase.
opening door Hi Grover. The suitcase is heavy.
Grover:That has never stopped me beforelifting suitcase On second thought...what do you have in here?Rocks?
Very funny wise monster! It's a weeks' worth of clothing. Anyway,I might as well say my goodbyes now.giving Grover a hug See you next week!
Grover hugging me back Have a splendiferous time!
Rosita hugging me Hope you see lots of cute guys on the cruise!
I usually do!hugging Rosita back
Chef :I called a texi fur yu.Heve a gud time! hugging me Eat lots u det yummer cruise fud. lowering his voice End try getting der recipes okee?
Oh Chef! playfully punching him I'm sure their recipes are secret.hugging him I'm not going to eat too much though.
Prairie hugging me Enjoy the concert! And say hi to your boyfriend for me!:wink:
You're looking for trouble, missy! hugging Prairie But I know you're kidding
Robinhugging me Have a good time Mom!I love you!
hugging Robin I love you too! Be good! 8 more sleeps til I get back.
Robin:Uh huh. 8 more sleeps.
horn honking outside and I take my suitcase
I love you guys!See you a week from tomorrow!blowing a kiss

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Bye Kath, have a great time.
:batty: Von woyage.
UD: Have a defrightful trip down the Styx.

*Waving at the taxi ferrying our friend away.
Well, c'mon guys, the wrestling's about to start.
*Flips on the TV as we enter Apt. 1 and I order some food from one of the usual joints.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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*Pepe and Rizzo reenter their apartment, laughing and shaking snow off of themselves*

Rizzo: Boy, that sure was fun!

Pepe: Si! And I sure showed that blind clown!

Julia: *coming out of her room, dressed up in heavy layers* Okay guys, I'm ready!

Rizzo: ... Ready for what?

Julia: For the snow! I know it took me a while to get dressed - I sort of got distracted by my computer for a while - but, yeah! Let's go out and play!

Pepe: Eeeeh... we just did that.

Julia: ...Oh.

Rizzo: But maybe later?

Julia: No, I see how it is. Fine. Whatever. *goes back into room*

Rizzo: Think she's mad?

Pepe: At least we didn't dump snow on her like planned.

Rizzo: Let's give her a popsicle. That should make her feel better.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: (reading something by Dashiel Hammett) That kind of music, you expect to see a private eye come slinking down the street right about now.
Scooter: (walks into kitchen, singing) "Why do I play her game...when she can't even remember my name..."
Erin: (typing at computer) "...and his typewriter was churning out cliched phrases faster than a short-order cook can whip up pancakes..."
Scooter: (still singing) "Wish I could whistle like The Big Sleep's famous lover..."
Nora: Wait a minute - I thought it was "To Have and to Have Not" that had the line about whistling.
Erin: It is, but it wouldn't fit the meter - and the whole song's about old HB, anyway.
Storyteller: "When you want me, just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you?"
Beige: No - last time I did, five Fraggles ended up in the hospital. Including me.
Storyteller: "You just put your lips together and blow."
Beige: Hey, why are we talking about all this film-noir stuff anyways?
(Everyone else points to the roof where Zoot is playing.)

And FYI, the song that Scooter is singing is "Bogart," by Nik Kershaw.
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