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Hensonville City 2011

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Liza: *skipping around Apt. 12* :3 ...And the duck walked up to the lemonade stand...

Sal: ...and he said to the man who was runnin' the stand...

Gonzo: Hey (bom bom bom bom)....got any grapes?

Johnny: X_x You've been singing that stupid song all last night and all this morning.

Camilla: *reading the newspaper, wearing some earmuffs*


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Julia: Know what would make me feel better?

Pepe: Que?

Rizzo: What?

Julia: DRESS UP TIME! *She runs into her room and returns with a armful of a random assortment of clothing. She then dresses herself, Rizzo, and Pepe*

Rizzo: *wearing a sombrero and fairy wings* What the-? What am I supposed to be.

Julia: *wearing a cape and a pirate hat* A Spanish fairy. Obviously.

Pepe: *wearing a dress and a monocle* I do not like this.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:So are you back down on Earth now, Kath?
Oh...you think you're so funny,Prairie!:stick_out_tongue: I've always been on Earth!
Rosita:Could have fooled us! When you came back the other night,you looked all starry eyed.
Chef:Aww..stup teezng her. I think it wuz vury nice thet Boozer hed brekfest with yu guys,Keth.
Bowzer,Chef, Bowzer.
Chef:Sorree. Bowzer.
Grover: So he stayed with you and you family for over an hour?
Sure did!I only expected a 3 minute conversation tops!But when he said he was going to sit and have breakfast with us,I was like HUH?
Robin chuckles
And what is so funny Mr Robin?:wink:
Robin: You! The face you made when you said HUH? Fun meeting stars isn't it?
You know,it just occured to me. You all have met celebrities. Robin...you met a whole bunch thanks to your Uncle Kermit. You sang "Just One Person" with Bernadette Peters and did magic with Doug Henning. Chef, you sang "You're Just In Love" with Cleo Laine.Grover, you sang "Sing After Me" with Madeline Kahn. Rosita,you sang in Spanish with Gloria Estefan. And Prairie,you've performed with a few celebrities too. Although off the top of my head I can't think of who. Sorry.
Prairie:That's okay. But you saw Bowzer over and over on the ship.And got hugged by him.He remembers you by name. I'm sure the celebrities that we worked with wouldn't really remember us today.
Robin:Mr. Henning died a few years ago.
Grover:So did Miss Kahn.
Chef:I doon't think Miss Laine wuld remembur me.
Well you never know.
Rosita:Kathy..we may tease you about Bowzer. But when you came back here,it showed how happy he made you on that cruise. Er..he didjust hug you right?
Rosita! First of all he's old enough to be my father.Second of all he's married with two kids and third of all I did get kissed. But it was on the top of the head and on my cheek.
shaking head You guys! but blushing

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: (on phone) Okay, yes, Heather, we got the list. Erin's gone to post it...yes, we did mention that it's up until April. Yes, we did mention that the fudge cookies are the Triple Fudge Wonders now. Yes, we...Heather, I think it would be easier if you...fine, be that way. (hangs up) It's a real pain, being the second eldest.
Storyteller: (recovered from cold) Now, Nora, what's wrong with having a lot of siblings?
Nora: I can think of a few reasons - my older brother's a total square, the twins have nearly blown us all to kingdom come with their experiments...and my littlest sister is turning into a robber baron.
Erin: (entering) Okay, the list is tacked up with the HV roster, with instructions on how to contact us. Have I missed anything?
Scooter: (going over an order form with Beige) Not much - Nora's losing her mind with Heather again. Okay, I'm getting two Orange Delights...what about you?
Beige: Anything that's loaded with sugar is fine by me...I'm getting one each of the Triple Fudges and Crunch Times, and...ooh, the Sugar Rushes, of course.
Scooter: Unless you're planning on bouncing off the walls all this spring...
Beige: Of course, I've been in training all winter.
Erin: Who hasn't been, what with all this snow. Put me down for one each of the Mint Dreams and the Tropical Twirls.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Ok Cookie Monster - Nora's going to have cookies for sale again and we want to help her out, but you can't have them all ok? We need to let the other residents buy some too
Cookie: Ok. Me will share with others
Beth: Good, that being said, you can pick five boxes off the list for your very own and then Rowlf and Red and I will pick out our own too, sound good?
Cookie *throws arms around Beth* : You so good to me!
Beth: Glad that you are happy

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Sneaks upstairs to Apartment 4 and leaves a bundle neatly upon their doorstep. Hee, nice thing about it is they're directly above us this year.

For Beige: A granite gray lounging jacket, bordered by a rim of cracklines around the collar and cuffs, and the Fraggle Cave dust swirl entwinement logo embroidered on the jacket's front left side.
For Storyteller: A radish red lounging jacket, bordered by a rim of elegant fissures around the collar and cuffs, and the Fraggle Rock pebble swirl entwinement logo embroidered on the jacket's front left side.
For Nora: A splendid indigo lounging jacket, bordered by lackered blackened collar and cuffs, and bearing an open fanning book embroidered on the jacket's front left side.
For Scooter: An emerald green lounging jacket, bordered by lackered golden collar and cuffs, and bearing the Muppet Show's logo embroidered on the jacket's front left side.
For Erin: A perfect plum lounging jacket, bordered by lackered silverized collar and cuffs, featuring a pocket for her glasses, and bearing an RHLC quilted patch embroidered on the jacket's front left side.

*Coming back downstairs... Beth! You doing okay? Haven't seen you in a while. So what are you and yours up to?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Oh hey Ed! Busy with music stuff and this and that! Thinking about what our Hensonville event will be - either something to do with Rowlf and music or Red and swimming

Red: Oh really?

Rowlf: That's news to us

Beth: I said thinking about guys. Thinking. Sheesh.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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sitting at my computer OK everyone..pictures are up!
Everyone gathers around to look at the pictures
Robin:Wow!Look at that rock climbing wall!Did you climb that,Mom?
snicker Uh huh..right Robin. I know I told you I'm not afraid of heights. But I think I'd be up there about 2 minutes and I'd freeze in terror. I can picture you doing it though. Or Grover.
Grover:Heehee!Maybe! How about Red Fraggle!
Now that's a possibility!
Prairie:Who's that with you,Kath?New boyfriend?
No...that's Anthony. One of the Stingrays.
Yeah.Singers in Bowzer's group. There's 3 of them. Anthony is a friend of a friend.
Rosita:Too bad. He's cute
Yeah..he's a nice guy.But taken,I think.. Anyway..clicking to the next page There's me and Bowzer!
Chef:Wus this wen yu hed brekfest with him?
Unfortunately no. My mom didn't have the camera with her then. Would have been nice though.
Robin:And there you are with Bowzer again!Boy..you sure look happy!
Thank you.blush
Grover:Oh Kathy!Do not blush!It is nice to see you so happy!

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Erin: Thanks for the jackets, Ed! (closes door) Hey, guys, we've got something from downstairs. (piles jackets on the table) How are the cookie tallies coming along?
Nora: (going over Puckrox's order, with a calculator) Let's see...(punches in keys) Well. This should make my sister very happy.
Scooter: I think Ed and Beth are looking at ordering some as well...all right, Beige, so that's three Orange Delights, four Mint Dreams and...Storyteller, how many Citrus Whispers did you want?
Storyteller: Just two...those things are wonderful with a cup of mint tea. And get two each of the Oat to Joy and Sesame Snaps, too. (pulls her jacket out of the pile) Ooh, smashing.
Beige: Yeah...(sotto voce) It's what the mirrors will be doing, smashing. (Out loud) All right, so five Triple Fudge Wonders and three Sugar Rushes...Nora wants two each of the Cape Cods and Glasgow Rangers...in addition to the Mint Dreams, Erin said she wants three Tropical Twists...


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Julia: *still wearing a cape and a pirate hat* Now that it's the weekend, I have time for fun and excitement!

Rizzo: *still wearing the sombrero and fairy wings* That's nice. But do we have to be dressed up for it?

Julia: Why not?

Pepe: *still wearing a dress and a monocle* I do not like this.

Julia: You said that already, Pepe.

Pepe: I do not like it one bit.

Julia: Come on, it'll be fun! *picks both of them up* Let's go! *bounces out into the hall*

Rizzo: Oh brother...
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