Rosita:How are you feeling Robin?
Robin:A bit betterblowing his nose
He says as a bunch of gook comes out of his nose. Boy..that's quite a nose for a young frog
Robin:Blecchh..that was yukkywiping his nose Well at least I'm not Gonzo!laughing
laughing too You're right.But I wouldn't say that to Gonzo if I were you.
Robin: I know.It's mean.drinking some of the orange juice Chef madeChef,are you surethere's no pits in here?
Chef: All dee pits are in dee trash. I made shure uv dat
checking watch Time for more medicine for you,Mr. Robin.
Robin:Aw c'mon! I hate taking medicine!
You want to get better,right?
Robin:Yeah..but I hate taking medicine!
Robin,I took your temperature before. It's just about normal thank goodness. Now,if you take your medicine and you're feeling okay tomorrow you can go back to school.So how's about you take the medicine for me,please?It's the lime flavored! Not the gross orange kind,
Robin:Okay..I'll take it.Can you do the airplane?
Aren't you a little too ol....Never mind. Yes..I'll do the airplane. Come into the bathroom with me. (Anything to appease a sick little kid.

in the bathroom pouring Robin's medicine into a measurable spoon
Welcome aboard Get Well Airlines where we intend on getting you well!I'm your pilot and server..Vroooomm...Vroommm...Next landing is Robin T. Frog's Mouth We are clear for landing and down we gooo....
Robin swallows the medicine and shudders a little
Robin:Thanks Human Mommy.
You're welcome Froggie son.
Robin:You're right...I am too old for the airplane.But I just wished I was a little kid again.
That's allowed.
Robin:I'm gonna take a nap.
OK honey. Sleep well.
kissing his forehead