Robinshuffling his into the house I can't believe that Frog Scouts is cancelled!
Well,kiddo,Mrs Appleby called after you left this morning and said that a bunch of your buddies have the chicken pox.
Robin:I've had that.
You have?
Robin:Sure. Isn't that where whenever you sneeze and you turn into a chicken?
looking at Chef questioningly since he's lived with Robin at The Muppet Theater
Chef:Nu,nu...det's cluckitis.
Looks like I'm gonna have to call your Uncle Kermit to see if
you've had chicken pox.
picking up phone book.. Ed's Cellphone...Kelly's Cellphone.....Ah...Kermit's Cellphone!
dialing phone
putting hand over mouthpiece and mouthingI got Miss Piggy.
Then talking. Hi Miss Piggy,is Kermit there?
Another woman wanting to talk to my frog? He most certainly is not!
Miss's Kathy....I'm looking after Kermit's nephew Robin.'s you.sigh..All right,but make it quick.*changing the tone of her voice*Kermie dear, you have a phone call
I write on a piece of paper "I think I'm going to puke!"
Chef & Robin stifle laughs
Hi Kermit,it's Kathy.
Kermit:Hi Kathy!Is Robin okay?
Oh he's over his cold now.But I have a question.His whole Frog Scout troop has the chicken pox. So I was wondering if Robin has ever had them?
Kermit:Well...he's had cluckitis.Not the same thing,huh?
No. Chicken pox is where you start getting bumps on your skin all over the place and they itch like crazy. I know what you're describing! Yes..he's had the chicken pox. But he was only 2.
whew! So he can't get them again.
Kermit:You sure about that?
Yeah. Positive. I had them when I was little.I'm pretty sure the whole group here has had them. Most ones get them when they're little.
Kermit:Okay then.
Robin was pretty miffed when he found out that there was no Frog Scouts today because everyone's sick.
oor kid. I'll talk...( you MIND?) Sorry. Let me talk to him.
All right. Robin, Uncle Kermit wants to talk to you.
Robin takes the phoneHi Uncle Kermit....I know,but it's still not fair.....Yeah,you're right...Okay.....I love you too.....Bye. Here's Kathy againgiving me the phone
Kermit: I think I've cheered Robin up. You think you can talk Grover into playing a few games of Go Fish with Robin?
Oh sure! Grover'll do it without hesitation; what are you kidding me?
Kermit: Thanks. Talk to you soon.
Great. Thanks a lot Kermit.
Kermit:You're welcome.B....dial tone
(I guess the phone was whipped out of Kermit's hands by a certain porcine princess)
going to Grover's room and knocking on his door
opening his door a crack May I come in?
opening the door full way How's my cute and adorable buddy?
Grover:Just fine!How's my sweet room mate that needs a favor from me?
laughing Grover,Robin's Frog Scouts was cancelled today because the whole troop has chicken pox. He's pretty down. So do you think you can play a few games of Go Fish with him?
Grover:Kathy!That is not a chore for me! I would have gladly done it even if just Robin himself asked me!
Aww..OK..thank you!