Hensonville City 2010

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Apr 9, 2008
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Kelly (hops and skips and jumps all around town)

Bear (starts sniffing around, having caught a familiar scent)

Sarah (takes the opportunity to steal Bear's rawhide bone)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Kelly (glomps Ed): I have shifts!

Bear (follows the scent trail)

Pearl (pants heavily as she catches up): S-s-sorry ... E-Ed ... s-she ... got away ... f-f-from me. *yanks Kelly back* I reckon everyone's got yer numbah, kiddo. You can go ta work now. Hooray for you.

Kelly: O_O You seriously don't know what being holed up in the house with my ... *shudders* ... family ... is like. :stick_out_tongue:


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Apr 9, 2008
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Pearl (nearly has to sit on Bear to keep him from eating all the cheese): Poor kid doesn't get he doesn't get all th' goodies. :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Gonzo: *dances in* Duh duh duuuh!

Camilla: Gwa-gwauk bauk byauk? (Anyone find Zoot?)

Johnny: Maybe you can help sniff him out, chickie.

Camilla: Bya-bwauk gauk- (Chickens can't-)

Gonzo: What a wonderful idea!

Sal: O3O You're so smart, Johnny...

Camilla: -.-


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Raquel Porkbelly: Thanks, Joelle. :3 I'd be happy to spend the night lookin' for him. I do have a roommie who's gone through the same situation. =/ And she's loved by her family and friends, and Zoot is more then loved....he's our family <33

Link Hogthrob: I've checked everywhere in the apartment.

Raquel Porkbelly: *sighs* Poor, boy. I'm gonna check again. If not, I'm going out in the cold. I'm worried 'bout him =(


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Kelly (breaks out the flashlight): Excuse me, but have you seen a little blue man?

Pearl (shakes head): Just because you're watchin' that Dena chick play Silent Hill games don't mean you gotta drag us into it, hon.

Kelly: Awwww ....


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Jun 13, 2002
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Hey all...sorry I'm home late.
8 eyes stare at me
Oh come on...I've come home late before.I'm a big girl.
Prairie:Kathy!What happened to under your right eye?It's bruised!:eek:
Oh... that.lightly touching the bruise (ouch!)
Rosita:Si that. Are you all right?
Chef:Yu luuk like yu were en a fite. Yu want ice fur yur face?
I'm late in saying goodnight in Robin..I'll explain in a few.And yes...I was in a fight.Well..sort of.
I'll explain...I promiseheading out of the room
peeking into Robin's room.He's sound asleep. Darn..didn't get a chance to say goodnight to him.I plant a kiss on his forehead though and he stirs.He opens his eyes and mumbles "Kathy?"
Hi kiddo,I whisper,Sorry I wasn't home to tuck you in.
Robin: 's OK. I told Uncle Kermit 'bout what happened and he said your punishment for me was a good one.He made me promise not to do it again. I told him I wouldn't. I told my friend Billy I got into trouble an' he said he got inta trouble too. Only he can't use the phone for a week.
Wow!I whisper.Hey,we'll talk more tomorrow all right?Your teacher doesn't want a sleepy frog in class.See you in the morning OK?
RobinyawningUh huh...nite human mom Kathy
Nite Froggie son Robintiptoeing out of the room and closing the door
Nowfacing the jury of 4 I was in kind of a fight.It was me against one of the cats at home.
After bringing my sister's dog back in earlier this morning, one of the cats wanted to go on the screened in porch.So I didn't want him to. I picked him up and he squirmed,hissed and bit me right herepointing to the bruise There's a small cut there too.
Grover:My goodness!
And Chef,you asked about ice?Yes please.
Prairie:Which cat was this?
Prairie:The kitten? My gosh! Are you getting rid of him?
No. My sister says I was holding him too tight and I should be gentle. Which I was. From now on if Bailey gets out the same time as the dog,he can stay out.
Rosita:You were lucky your eye wasn't scratched out.
Yeah,I know.
Chef comes in with a Baggie full of iceHeer yu go.Boy...duz thet luuk nastee.
Gee thanks Chef a bit too sarcastically But then I catch myself. I'm sorry Chef.I shouldn't have been like that.It feels nasty as it looksputting the ice on and flinching from the pain and cold
Rosita:Have you seen the doctor about that?
Oh spit! I'm supposed to see the doctor anyway in a couple of days for a regular checkup. She's bound to see this! Dangit!You think she'll believe how I got this?
Prairie:I'm sure she will,Kath.
Chef:Just keep der ice on your cheek okee?Did der teensie hoppity hophop see it?
No,thank goodness.He was more than half asleep when we were talking.I'm off to bed,guys.And I'm taking the icepack with me. Nite.

OOC: 2 things
1)the above did happen: Darn cat bit me about an inch or so below my right eye & I have a bruise on the top of my right cheek.(More than that happened.But for those that are squeamish about blood,I won't go any further)
2)ATT Lisa AKA Toga :When you had Chef & Robin as room mates I remember you having Chef referring to Robin as "der teensiie hoppity hop hop"I thought it was cute!So I hope you don't mind me using it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Angie: Feeling any better, Raquel?

Raquel Porkbelly: Much better, deary. How's the cold getting along?

Angie: Eh. Pretty much the same. I just woke up with a massive headache, and I haven't done any homework in 4 days. I'm concerned. :concern:

Raquel Porkbelly: Don't worry about it. Rest is the main key. Remember health comes b4 education.

Link Hogthrob: Then why do I have to go to work when I suffer, and she gets to stay home with only the sniffles?

Raquel Porkbelly: Work ain't education, honey. Work is an important part of reality, and it'll support us all, even you. *snickers*

Link Hogthrob: I've been working late-shifts on occasional nights, 'cause, you only work part time at the studio a couple times a week, and?

Raquel Porkbelly: We need money to be prepared for our new arrival. ;] <33 Don't worry, we're all gonna help. <3



Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Gonzo: *kn-knocks on Room 17's door* :3 Angie? Rocky? We've come to pester you!

Johnny: No, we've come to steal their women and precious metals. :stick_out_tongue:

Sal: Heh heh...Really?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Raquel Porkbelly: Come in, come in. =D Angie's sick, but I'd be happy to come...*looks deeply at Johnny* You really want to steal me from my Linkerz? *smirks*

Link Hogthrob: Heh, then Angie and I will watch some NFL -.-

Angie: It's Tuesday, Linkerz ;], and I'm not into football. Wanna watch a soap opera ?

Link Hogthrob: Darn! D: Don't be such a Mary Sue, hun. -.-

Annie Sue: Rocky, he's only kiddin' =P

Angie: I'm fine, now! -pokes Gonzo- =3 <33
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