Kelly (grumbles, then smirks): I think Kathy was way too loud. *giggles*

And now down in Apt.6:
I'm watching TV in my room and I see Robin go to use the phone
Robinslightly disguised voice: Yes, you have olive oil in a bottle?...You do? Well you better let her out,Popeye's gettin' mad!he hangs up the phone and starts laughing like crazy..that is until he sees me behind him Uhoh.
arms folded and a stern look You're in trouble young man.
RobinmumblingI'm sorry.
Excuse me?
Robin:clearer I'm sorry.
And you should be. know that phones aren't a toy. And prank calling?You know better!
Robin:But my friend Billy told me about it. An' he thought it was funny!
Did Billy prank call a store and do it? don't think so.
Then why should
Robin shrugsDunno.
I think you should go to your room for a half hour and think about what you did.
Robin:But I saidI was sorry!
Half hour Robin,or the next step is we call Uncle Kermit.
RobingrudginglyOK.he goes towards his room and then I remember something
Wait a minute
I unplug his TV
Robin:But Kathy!
Robin,this hurts me more than it hurts you. See you in a half hour.
closing the door
going to the kitchen and putting my head on the table
Chef:I just cleened dere
raising my head I think if Robin were my natural son,I think I just lost the Mother Of The Year Award.
By now Rosita Prairie and Grover are coming in
Robin made a prank call to a store and I caught him doing it. So after lecturing him about playing with the phone and making prank calls I sent him to his room for a half hour. So
now I feel like the meanest person on earth and he probably hates me.
Grover:What?Robin hate you?I do not think so Kathy. He was telling me the other night that you remind him of his own mommy.
Grover:Yes he did.
Prairie:He was saying that he's glad to be away from Miss Piggy. She's trying to get him to call her "Auntie Piggy" and he can't stand that.
Rosita:Kathy,please don't feel upset with yourself.You did the right thing. At least you didn't have to spank him.
Oh..are you
kidding? I'd
never do that!
Chef:Ven I wuz aboot der teensiehoppityhophop's age I broke my muvver's fafurite plate.Ooh..did I get der stikk on der hinee fur dat!It STILL herts!My femily in Sveden vere strikt!But dey still luved us
Well thankfully spanking and hitting is now considered child abuse.Hopefully in Sweden too,Chef.
a bell goes off
Half hour's up.Gonna go talk to Robin
going to Robin's room & knocking on the door Robin? Can I come in?
Robin's faint voiceI guess
coming in and switching the light on Hey...just because I unplugged the TV doesn't mean you had to lay in the dark
plugging TV back in,then going to sit next to the teary eyed frog Robin
wiping his eyes you know how bad I felt having to punish you?
Robin: How bad?
VERY! I didn't want to punish you!But you had to learn right from wrong.I could've just said to you "Well don't let it happen again." But then you would've thought"Hmm..I got off easy with ol' Kathy.I can do something else bad and she won't mind."
That's why you were punished,all right?"
Robin nodsKathy?
I'm sorry I did that. It was really dumb. And I'm gonna let Billy know in school how stupid it was.
Apology accepted.
Robin:You still like me?
No Robin...I don't like you.
Robin:You don'ttears start filling his eyes
love you!
giving him a BIG hug
Robin nestles into my arms I love you too, Human Mom Kathy.
Now Froggie son Robin...want to come watch TV with us?
Robin:OK.Can I have a snack first?
Well Chef just cleaned the kitchen.But we'll see what he says.