Kelly (hits Pearl with the RTL book): Pay up!
Pearl (cringes): OW! Why?
Kelly: Mizumi used the words "Jareth" and "Hubris" in the same sentence! Now pay up!
Pearl (snatches away the book): Oh, now wait a minute, darlin'. Ain't no "Jareth" in that sentence!
Kelly (gasps): You monster! You cheap little monster! The "he" in that sentence is regarding Jareth!
Pearl (smirks): The condition was that Mr. Forbes had ta say both words at the same time ... an' that's a "he", not "Jareth".
Kelly (screams in exasperation): YOU CAN'T LOOPHOLE SOME FINE PRINT!
Pear (turning to the television, sniffs): No good. Can't hear you.
Kelly (screams so loud all of Hensonville can hear, then calms down after a few minutes): Wanna read the rest of it?
Pearl (smiles): Why not, sugah?
*both Kelly and Pearl read to the end*
Kelly (looking at Pearl): Y-you're CRYING!
Pearl (looking at Kelly, wiping her nose): You ain't exactly dry neithah, hon.
Kelly (cries): It was such a wonderful ending!
Pearl (nods, sniffles): I wondah if that'll shut up all the naysayahs.
Kelly (shrugs): I dunno. I'm just stoked he was kind enough to basically do my job for me. Now there's no need to write a bridge to Comeback. It's like volume 4 was meant to do exactly that. *cries happily*
Pearl (bawls, huggles Kelly): That's good. I don't think we can handle much more o' yer obsession over that universe.