- They believe that the marriage of gay people will lead to fewer straight people getting married, more straight divorces and more children out of wedlock.
Well, there was a study done recently that suggests that as more and more gay couples are wanting to get married, more and more straight couples are NOT wanting to get married, and I'll tell you, you look around these parts, you half of the kiddies you see around here are pushed in buggies by young, trailer-trash couples who clearly had those babies "by accident".
That, to me, has NOTHING to do with gay people, or gay rights, or what gays are supposedly doing to the world, or anything, it's just a big example of how far today's society has deteriorated, decayed, declined, and corrupted. Less straight couples are getting married because they don't take their relationships seriously anymore, all they think is important is getting in bed as much as they can, and more often than not, they results in these "accidental" children, and in even less cases, those couples may get married afterwards to "right the wrong" *coughNatalie Portman and that other guy*cough*. Like
Good Afternoon America (which I didn't know existed) did a report today to see if chivalry really is dead or not... to me, it appears to be so. Heck, there's now this mentality people have today that if men practice manners or chilvary, they must be gay, because apparently "real men" don't practice politeness... I was brought up with manners, politeness, chilvary, etc, it's expected of me to hold doors for people, hold chairs out for ladies, and all that jazz, I do it because it's in me.
And again, none of this has been brought on by the gay community or anything, these are all the shortcomings and transgretions of people on their own will, and often, their will consists of nothing more than selfish and reckless desires.