Its all a bit sad....
I have the upmost respect for the company, and how they have inspired m to follow the paths I took in life. Although my involvemnet in Henson projects here in the UK has been minimal (hence one of my domains being I have always followed them comewhat may.
Its a shame that things are so bad that things are being closed, scaled down or whatever...
I wish that they could keep a hold of NY and ditch the Chaplin studios... I say this because NY will forver be a MUPPET City, where as LA is not... I went to the Chaplin Studios last year for a meeting with Brian... and as nice as the Chaplin place was, there was no escaping its heritage as either Chaplins old gaff or A&M's headquarters. However, NY will forever be THE definative hub of Henson Creativity.... AND ONCE IT HAS GONE, THATS IT.
Surely NY is no where near as costly as LA to keep.
Maybe I'm just too Nostalgic for my own good. I always prefered the Hampstead Creature shop over Camden. Jims house was across the road, and it was all very "nice". Camden was a bit of a mess, and never really felt "creativley different". By that I mean that whenever you walked into Hampstead, you knew you were somewhere special. It had a lot of history. Camden just felt like a converted warehouse. It was a pain to get to and the streets were just filfthy. Hampstead had class.... Its now a Doctors surgery.....

I think the family still have Number 50 though, as they are listed as the owners in an application for planning permission on the house this year to remove a stained glass in door at rear ground floor level(Its a listed house). And very nice it is too.
LA has a lot of history, but none of it is really Henson History. I have never associatted LA with Hensons or the Muppets, mainly due to the fact that once in LA you are just one small fish in a very big pond. In NY or London, you at least retain a creative edge and are instantly renowned for being "special". Could you imagine Pixar or ILM working in any other inviroment than the one in which they do?
But I only read the headlines and have only had a brief glimpse at this forum, and I may have missed something... but either way, I'd hate to see the same NY office that I used to write to begging to be a puppeteer go away forever. It was (as was Hampstead) my mecca. And looking at all the photo's of it, it really does appear to have a heart and soul all of its own... something that I feel no building in LA could ever offer.
There must be a way around this....
Lose the LA building, its a little too pretentious anyway, keep NY and work from there.