Oh wow it's been over 10 days now I am back at the computer. Happy new year and everything
Now I can get back to those older replies.
I can't make the quotes thing work...ah well...
Buck Beaver , all of us are speculating. And yes, I know it is a business, but not that doesn't mean every decision they make I protest against I should be told "awwww...too bad little kid, it's a business in a grown up world."
I want to have the HEnson company succeed too, of COURSE, but I don't think this sale is gonna be the difference. It is just thoise guys saying "GOODBYE" to the history and that makes me feel terrible for the new projects.
Business is like art, you make mistakes in both sometimes.
Here is your quote
"I'm not saying that the townhouse wasn't a special place, just that perhaps on this issue we should defer to the wisdom and judgement of those who are closest to the issue - the family and the company."
WISDOM of the Henson kids? Give me a break
They censor the old tape of Jugband Christmas. What? For the nudity? There's your "wisdom." I read the Sesame Street unpaved and there'sd mistakes in it, and they reference to Roseanne Barr as if she's a "celebrity." I don't give two cents for the "wisdom" of the HEnson kids.
Frogboy says " Henson has seen better days and if this is what they need to get back on track then I support it."
And also that there is no need to keep the taxes up and it's not cheap and L.A. is the hub of entertainment.
SElling this building is not going to equal a good movie. It just means a little extra money...but unless they COULD NOT make a movie WITHOUT selling the building, then WHAT is the POINT???
Yes, it's not peanuts for taxes and upkeep, but what is a few points of interest on just ONE million bucks? To a family of millionaires, 15 grand a year is coffee money to you and me. It's nothing. THey are selling the building for no good reason.
Is LA the hub of entertainment? Well, the Muppets are not taking the world by storm if you notice. WHo is David Letterman and Conan and so many other people and Woody Allen and so many others? New York CIty is pretty darn important if you ask me. Who are the Muppets? As big as Paramount? NYC is where they made the big time. They should stay there.
Remember it's a NEW YORK "state of mind."
Now Luke says
"Henson do OWN their offices and puppet workshop in London - it's called the Creature Shop in Camden. They got it around 25 years ago and Jim probably did as much creative Muppet work there than New York because it was their base throughout the TMS years.
He also owned his own home there-
While some creative stuff did go on there about 80% of the time it has been used for all the boring admin, aside puppet building in the workshop of course."
Jim travelled everywhere. He had homes everyplace. If you read the book "The Works" then you will learn that the New York building was THE place. Am I making this up??? Read the book. THis place is a part of the soul of the Muppets. BUt that's how I feel.
Philip----I hope somebody does make a tape and we can check it out here. I sent an email to HEnson and they haven't responded. WHY can't we have a tape? THis website is not popular for nothing.
So I ask you all this: Before they put the place up, did ANY of you say "Hey! Sell that building!?"
No, nobody did. So, why are you all saying what a great idea it is, or that the HEnson kids are having "wisdom?"
Hey, everybody has an opinion.
I think the HEnson kids are not too bright as far as business is concerned, and there is no NEED to sell this building. They can keep all that history for candy bar money.
Is it their building? YES! They can burn it down if they want to. But I am not going to stand around and say "they know best." They don't know best. The loss of this building is a dark sign that the special history is something they can't be bothered with.
Yes, it is sentimental nonsense, but so are the Muppets, too! Chaplin had a Hollywood history. The Chaplin building even has to be CALLED Chaplin.
If the Henson kids are tired of trying to match the glory days, they sell the glory place, because they don't expect any more glory.
This decision is terrible. THey are turning on their own roots, and that means more of Kermit on Jimmy KImmel, and we are watching another big piece of what we love and cherish DIE.
Why make a World Trade Center memorial? Why make a "Strawberry Fields" for John Lennon? WHy bother with ANYTHING? Because it matters.
Sadly, it's pretty plain to see that it doesn't matter too much to Brian. I'm NOT saying he didn't love his Dad, but this decision means more crapola from the Muppets is coming