How to think of story ideas... Gee, that's a tough one. For me, it depends. Sometimes about twenty stories just sort of appear in my brain all at once, and it takes a while to get them all down. But sometimes, I can't think of something, and I... okay, this is going to sound crazy, but considering it's from me, that's not surprising... I put my hand up in the air like I'm a Muppeteer. Now of course I don't actually have a Muppet on my arm, but if I just sit with my arm in the air for a little while... I can sort of feel a character there, and then the character starts talking, and then another character answers, and before I know it, there's a story to write! ...See I told you it's crazy... Anyway, the trick is to figure out what works for you. When all else fails, just start asking random questions about your favorite characters, and then try to answer them with a story.