Originally posted by frogboy4
I think most fans were looking forward to seeing them riding on a ship through outerspace, visiting a planet and maybe have some Pigs in Space references. Isn't that kind of what everybody pictured after hearing the title? Maybe it was just me. There are scenes from that film I'd like to hurl into outerspace. LOL! But there were some gems. I'll spank you like a bad bad donkey, okay!
Oh totally. Remember in 1998, before we were getting more reports in...we thought this would be 'Muppets In Space'?
Hmmm...well at least they had that one out space scene. Im kind of sad they spent more money on getting cheap c rate cameos than refurbishing more obscure characters for cameos. Zondra, Chip, etc was nice...but Juhl's original script I heard called for Uncle Matt! Geez, no wonder if he was unpleased with the final draft. As Luke said...the way that whole Covnet thing was handled...yikes!
Your eright...Baretta shined like never before. This truly was Pepe's debut...and I think for a lot of non/casual fans Pepe was probably the thing they most remember. It is just said he never caught on with merchandise after that...not til later in 2003 it would seem.
I agree with Sarah...seeing the Muppets on the big screen after so long was in of itself a true astonishment. I remember remarking on MC in July of 1999...that while I was disappointed with a lot of the direction of plot in it...just seeing the colorful Muppets on the big screen in and of itself was great. But boy...that opening brick house musical number...WOW!!!!! If the movie could have just took off from their I think we'd be looking at one of the coolest films ever. But indeed, if this was the first time you saw the Muppet son the big screen...there is NO Arguing...thats one heck of a magical experience. I remember when I saw my first...TMTM, and I tell you...beyond words.
Thats why when I see that Mastercard commercial on the big screen lately it leaves me in awe...thinking about what a new Muppet film like that could be like.
Finally, was Flash Light the only song a Muppet sung on? Hmmmmmm...I will say the funk definately fit in with the fun of the film at least.