Rully? Always thought it was a reference to the song.
Answers for the Readers.
1 Yes, that's you as the bell ringer Bo.
2 Had to make JFS a banshee, after all she is the songstress D-vine.
3 Harvey, how did I know you'd pull a misunderstanding joke. Have you seen the movie Psycho? Well, you know that the hook is the character of Norman Bates talks to a statue of his mother's head. And a bust also refers to a statue of a person's head and possibly arms, above the neckline. The Bust of Beethoven included with the Tux Rowlf figure from Muppets S3 figure line is a good example of this.
The character of Lisa was to have originally been a Theban Sphinx, but decided she'd be better as a sort of spidery woman what with the reference to her writting so many fan fics.
Kate was to have been the spidery woman, as a joking reference to Kiss Me Kate the Broadway show. But decided to change it to reflect her as a cave creature in light of her Fraggle roommates at the dorms.
Anyone catch any additional references in the story?