<Quite amused!>
I have, in fact, been kidnapped by "real life" things like the High Holy Days, job searching, and car shopping. The car I inherited from my grandparents--affectionately called the "land yacht" because of its size and (lack of) handling--has been deemed "beyond repair," and since it's generally not a good idea to drive a car that doesn't have functional brakes... Yeah. So job searching has become exceedingly urgent so that I can afford a new car. Incidentally, test drives are wonderful fun when you get to say things like "The amount I turned the wheel to make this curve would not have altered the path of my old car." Test drives also involve fun things like making U-turns that are actually U-turns and not 3-point-turns, and pulling into a parking space and actually being completely
in the space, on all sides, with room to spare. (Amazing!) However, test drives also include discovering that the seats in most cars have lumbar support (which is also amazing) designed for someone just a
little bit taller than I am (which is not so amazing).
So... I have no idea when I will be writing fanfic again. But in the meantime, do keep guessing endings! They're quite fun.