Here is what is was about:
Scred and Ploobis come on stage, and they are talking about how "loveable" the Muppets are. They then see Raquel Welch, and they turn into "not so lovely" Muppets. They want to make love to her, but Raquel remarks they are just from the waist up, so they are just all "talk", and Chevy comes and escorts them out so HE can hit on Welch. This is the only part I got on tape.
Later on, the Muppets appeared again (before closing). Scred and Ploobis visit Favog backstage and tell him about how they burned down The Gorch scenery. Favog goes on to say how "Puppets don't have feelings," and eventually, they would end up in a trunk. And, lo and behold, a trunk is next to them. So they are forced in be Fabog. In there are Wiss and Peuta, and Vazh (not seen, but Ploobis makes a remark). I missed this part. IF ANYBODY GOT IT ON TAPE, I WILL TRADE WITH YOU! I really want this sketch!
They may have been in it more, but I missed the middle part of the show.

Here is what is was about:
Scred and Ploobis come on stage, and they are talking about how "loveable" the Muppets are. They then see Raquel Welch, and they turn into "not so lovely" Muppets. They want to make love to her, but Raquel remarks they are just from the waist up, so they are just all "talk", and Chevy comes and escorts them out so HE can hit on Welch. This is the only part I got on tape.
Later on, the Muppets appeared again (before closing). Scred and Ploobis visit Favog backstage and tell him about how they burned down The Gorch scenery. Favog goes on to say how "Puppets don't have feelings," and eventually, they would end up in a trunk. And, lo and behold, a trunk is next to them. So they are forced in be Fabog. In there are Wiss and Peuta, and Vazh (not seen, but Ploobis makes a remark). I missed this part. IF ANYBODY GOT IT ON TAPE, I WILL TRADE WITH YOU! I really want this sketch!
They may have been in it more, but I missed the middle part of the show.