ssetta said:
It just so happens that I have Asperger's too! And so do quite a few of us here on Muppet Central. And I think it may very well be partially the reason why we like Sesame Street at all. One thing I have noticed about people with Asperger's is that they have interests that are rather strange, but not harmful, like Sesame Street. I have gotten a LOT of flak for liking this show, and people have made fun of me a LOT over the years. Most people I know just see it as a "baby show" and nothing more. Both of my parents understand why I like it. However, I know quite a few people who simply cannot. In fact, when I was about 7 or 8, I didn't even know there was an age limit on the show, I thought it could be for anyone to watch. I didn't know until a bunch of kids in school told me. They all said different things, like, "We don't like Sesame Street! It's a stupid show! IT'S FOR BABIES! IT'S A BABY SHOW!" And honestly, I didn't even believe them. I thought they were all pulling my leg or something. And I never saw it as a show that was just for kids, I saw it as a show for everyone. In fact, I even know some parents who would not want their older kids watching that stuff. In fact, a member of Muppet Central (I won't name names) actually stayed over my house for over a month. He's very nice, but no one in his family could ever understand why he liked it so much, and his mother always tried to do what she could to get him to stop watching it. But she could never do anything, because he always watched it anyway.
I totally relate to you ssetta. Most of what I watch on TV is cartoons. I like Law & Order, and the horror films. Which one of the things most people think is weird about me. I like cartoons AND horror films. It's kind of disturbing, don't you think? LoL
I think people who say shows like Sesame Street are for babies, are people who are too insecure to like the things they liked as a child, regardless of age. I tell people who say things, like that to me about kid shows I watch, adults are the ones who develop these shows.
In alot if not all cartoons, you will see hidden adult humor meant for the adult's watching the show with their kids. Or also just in there because of the cartoonist's personal experience with childhood. Alot of what I see is references to bullies stealing people's lunch money, there are shows like Hey Arnold! which really shows what it's like growing up in the city. If anything, cartoons are the only shows on TV anymore with decent moral values.
They show people treating each other humanely. Sometimes I think that alone, is on it's way out. You hear so much negativity all the time. If you're female, you're fat, not pretty. If your a guy, well I don't have a brother or any guy friends right now, but I do know if your a guy you tend to get beaten up alot in school, unless you're one of the guys doing the beating up.
This stuff doesn't matter in cartoons at all. If it is mentioned in cartoons, there is a uplifiting moral to the story, where the bully learns the person they've victimized have feelings too, and they make up at the end.
I would love to work in the cartooning industry, but there are two things I have against me:
1. Location: I'm in Chicago. Most cartoons are made like in New York, Florida. I guess there probaly is a studio in Chicago. However on to number 2, which will probaly clarify number 1 a bit more..
2. I was born with a handwriting disability: I can draw, but not very good. I never was able to get detail right in my pictures. I can play video games very well though, which is kind of odd. You'd think if someone has a motor skills problem in regards to writing, that the motor skills also would carry over to problems in video games.
I do hear however, that alot of people with Aspberger's Syndrome, are good at video games. Video games provide a logical, puzzle like, challenge. I think while Aspberger's people are very smart, we don't really get the social stuff. This is what I was told all through school, "She doesn't get social cues", I don't really think they're right though. With Video Games it's something that deals with straight logic, unlike being social which really is very illogical.
Like, wondering why when you're nice to someone they aren't nice back. Or, wondering how and why people desire to be mean to others. Perhaps this is where people see Aspberger's Syndrome people as being more childlike.
I recently heard, that there are studies that belive that John Lennon had Aspberger's Syndrome. You can really see it in his simplicity towards life, and love. All You Need is Love. It seems like a very romantic but unrealistic look at life.
Alot of my time is understanding why can't I have friends, or do I need to be mean like the other people to get friends. Why isn't just being nice and caring good enough anymore. I'm wondering if those of you who also have Aspberger's Syndrome here, feel that way.
Also, on mentioning John Lennon. I would highly reccomend you see the reissue of Yellow Submarine on DVD. I own it, and it's my favorite film. It's just so cute, and whimsical. I also think I like it, because I'm female and American. So I think guys who speak with a British accent are really cute. Like there's a part where the band goes back in time in the submarine, and Ringo turns back into a kid and he's like "
I want me mum!" That's just so adorable. LoL
Also I like the Blue Meanies. The lead blue meanie is ROFLOL. He's just nuts. Like he goes "Bring me my bluuueeebirrrds *tongue hanging out of mouth* grrraarrrrhahahaha" He's like psychotic, but the funny kind of psychotic. Like Looney Tunes.