A lot of people have a fear of puppets and dolls. Considering all the movies that involve them coming to life and killing people it's not surprising. I'm kind of wierd. Puppets that look too human creep me out, but take that look and place it on a robot and I'm fine with it. I love robots no matter how they look. Animatronic dolls don't bug me but inanimate ones do. My cousin once left her Cabbage Patch Kid at my place just to bug me.
Oh yeah totally. My personal favorites are Meet The Feebles and Puppets Who Kill myself. I'm renting Season 2 disk 2 using Netflix, the show really cracks me up. But when I was a kid, I was sort of against rude puppets doing quite adult things but now I love it. I think when I became an adult, I started to gain a more dark satirical sense of humor. lol
You know, this thread is a lot of fun. A place where I can enjoy my love for The Muppets as well as Dark Humor.

I'm also a fan of bad B-movies. I think me and my friend watched "Pinocchio's Revenge" and just laughed on how corny it was. And the voice of Davy from Davy and Goliath was the voice of Pinocchio. Although his mouth didn't move until later. Still it can't beat the Jim Henson's Creature Shop version of Pinocchio. I remember seeing that in the theater and just freaked out when the marionettes were set of fire. I got to see that movie again, it's been awhile.
I might have mentioned already but for years I was so freaked out over Statler as the doorknocker in The Muppet Christmas Carol. I think I didn't face my fear until I was a freshman in High School. lol I remember someone starting a thread titled what Sesame Street sketch frightened you as a kid and I know for me it was this computer generated short with fish counting and then a shark comes and says ONE! I can't find it on the internet.
Though it seemed like Ernie not getting sleep from The Count sleeping over Ernie & Bert's place was the top sketch that was most discussed. lol
So Get Ready For Some More Muppet Nightmare Fuel. I feel bad for Ernie not getting sleep. It should have been Bert because the sheep brought Bert outside while Ernie was dancing himself to sleep. lol