(to paraphrase) Statler & Waldorf:
“What are you looking for?”
“My contact lens.”
“Oh, here it is” [stomps] *Crunch*
Dog City:
Bubba: “So you were a shepherd. Big deal, you sit around and bark at sheep all day.”
Ace: “Bark? Bark?? Oh, sure, you bark. At first. 'Til one day, you bark, they laugh. Ever hear a sheep laugh? It’s a mean, evil laugh. ‘
Hah-hah-hah.’ 'Til one day, you get a bat. And sure, sure, the bat works fine. For a while. Then they start to laugh at the bat! So you get a gun. And sure,
sure! The gun works fine. ...For a while! You know they say a sheep’s eyes can stare right through a dog. Sheer h---. Well, when they started talking about land mines, I knew it was time to get out of the shepherd business.”
The frog has come to have his say
The pig will never get her way
Bib and napkin, knife and fork
Is the only way that I’ll touch pork.”
Don Music rolling his head from side to side on the piano keys when Kermit helps him rewrite “Yankee Doodle.” “
HOW can he
COOK and
GO to
TOWN at the
SAME TIME!?” Kermit’s facial expressions during this sketch are hilarious too.
Family Feud, the question was “Name something a little girl’s doll might do that would make her think it was really alive.” Bobo thought it over and then said, very calmly and Bobo-like, “Cr-- in 'er pants.” Kermit was so embarrassed he hid his face in his hands. My whole family laughed like crazy.
From the Disney World special:

“What do rock musicians want to do more than anything else in the world?”

“I know! I know! I know!”

Besides that.”
Marshal Grover rides his horse Buster into a saloon and orders milk.
Bartender to Buster: “Can I getchyou a milk too?”
Buster: “No thanks, I’m drivin’.”